A typical Pantone Burnt Orange & Purple Odyssey Monday

Allegra Acosta
walking chicago 2017
2 min readOct 20, 2017

A map is a device that helps navigate a person to a certain destination. It is a tool that is used to travel from place to place. Krieger and Wood say that maps are a proposition, an interpretation of an area: it defines the world and how it is built. They say that maps are essential to everyone because they define the world and it would not be possible to live the way we do without them. Maps show where you are among other locations, and the physical geographic space around you and are related to the world it depicts because they define the way of life. They give roads and pathways definition. If maps did not exist, it would be hard to get through places because humans rely so heavily on them to get from one destination to another. We make maps so that it makes it easier for humans to travel from place to place. Using maps makes it more convenient for people to not get lost and make sure they get to there destination on time. Also, maps give more knowledge as to where certain things exist in the world.

