Chicago, The place of colors

walking chicago 2017
2 min readOct 11, 2017

A map is something we use to get around, we use them to see the most direct way to get to a destination or to see what is around in an area but more importantly it is a way to know a place. Krygier and Wood say that maps are abstract things that can't be portraials or images they need to invest the people who live on that map. It can't be a google map or even a regular paper map, they don’t have the individual touch the citizen drawn maps include such as houses with pumpkins on their porches or graffiti on the sidewalk. These are all things that add character to a map and what makes the area being mapped seem real and there. We make maps to try to understand where we are and why we live some where, they are what lets us understand and make a place our own.

Orange streak on the box through the whole foods window
Purple line coloring at the Munroe L station
Field notes

