Karma or Pure Luck?

Liz Schormann
walking chicago 2017
6 min readSep 28, 2017

At first, 3 miles sounds like a lot, just as 2 hours sounds like a long time; however, while physically walking those 3 miles or 2 hours, it feels like no time has passed nor has it felt like 3 miles. Trying to take you time, and “notice the hell out of things” can be difficult when walking for a short period of time; this act of noticing, however, became easier as I let my instincts lead me on this longer journey. Beginning after my class in the Loop, on State St., it was 1:28 and an abnormal 90℉ for a late September day.

Created by an app called MapMyWalk

Personality of Michigan Ave.:

Lively, busy, something new on every corner, open, ready for something new, busy, impatient

At the corner of Congress and State, on my way down to Michigan

1:33- Begins to walk toward Washington library. I decide to go in and explore since I heard there was an Atrium on the top floor.

The Atrium on the 9th floor of the Washington Library

1:37 — Up in the atrium there were mainly business people working at the tables. Everyone was sat at their own table with their laptops out, some in casual clothing, most in suits though. It was terribly silent, except for the two old ladies in the corner who are trying to whisper over their coffee but failing miserably.

1:47- Walking along Michigan Ave., a lady was holding a red lighter in one hand and a cigarette in the other. As I walked past, I was able to hear the 5 clicking noises the lighter made that followed each failed attempt to light the cigarette.

1:50 — I would just like to say, that it truly amazes me and I am taken back each time I see a mail delivery person carrying around a bag of letters or packages; I am not used to seeing mail service workers outside of the normal mail truck that speeds from mailbox to mailbox in suburban neighborhoods. So when I saw a mail guy on Michigan at Van Buren hauling a bag of mail/packages on his back along with 3 in his arms , I could not help but stare in awe.

1:55- Still along Michigan, a girl wearing flip-flops was walking next to me; she began to try and pass me up, but I play mind games and I was not about let her beat me. As she sped up, so did I, as she walked to the left, so did I. I guess it was meant to be or maybe she had some bad karma coming for her, but she tripped on her flip flop and a guy leaning against the wall next to her caught her.

1:56- A guy wearing a green margaritaville shirt was carrying a gray, folding suitcase, but the chain was loose and dragging along the sidewalk. WIth every step the man took, the chain hit the concrete making a high-pitched scraping noise.

1:58- The man realizes it’s him who was making the noise, he then proceeds to pick it up and shake his head, but then puts it back down to continue the pattern of obnoxious noise.

2:00- At Michigan and Randolph. A guy was playing electric violin on the street corner, he kept an impressive fast-paced tune.

2:02- Someone is walking their cat. I repeat someone is walking their cat. Seriously, someone is walking their cat. It is on a leash, it was black. It is a small calico cat.

Riverwalk Personality:

Pretty laid back, really quiet except for background music (I can envision it as elevator type music). Touristy, but that was expected.

Looking at Lake Shore Dr. and Navy Pier from the River walk (created with Hyperlapse)

2:08- Saw Trump Tower. I had to get a closer look. That is how I began to walk along the river walk.

2:10- Walking under the bridge at Wacker and Michigan, it smelled of literal sewage. The smell though, did not overpower the beauty of the river as it rippled due to a breeze.

2:12- As boats pass by, everyone on shore can hear the loud, humorous tour guides.

* Just looking along the other side of the river, I see 4 stationary cranes.

2:16- Walking behind an middle aged couple who were talking about how they don’t want to be tourists, but they are. For a solid 10 minutes, they were trying to think of non chain restaurants to go to.

2:17- Saw Casey. She is alive and well. We waved at each other.

*Walked past 2 cute restaurants- one tiki themes and the other a pink/retro hybrid French thing

Along the East side of Lake Shore Dr.

2:25- Passing under Lake Shore Dr. smelled strongly of rotten eggs. I can confirm that I did not walk at this point in time, I ran.

2:26- I fell behind pace, so this older man wearing a blue shirt with earbuds in could pass me up. We were walking out from under Lake Shore Dr. and he went to the far right wall, slapped his hand on the sign, then turned around and went to the far left wall and slapped his hand on that sign as well, and then proceeded to walk back under Lake Shore Dr..

Personality of Millennium Park / Maggie Daley Park:

Family oriented, busy yet quiet, cozy, solitude in the middle of a city

2:35- I made a bold move and ran across a busy road to enter Maggie Daley park.

2:34- Man tries to scare me from behind post by jumping out and saying BOO.. It didn’t work.

Sitting on the edge of Maggie Daley Park, facing Lake Michigan (made with Hyperlapse)

2:37- People playing tennis in the park. Other than the noise of their rackets, I can only hear crickets in the park.

2:45- The sprinklers are on. It’s hot as hell out here, the breeze comes and goes infrequently. I’m not going to say I walked through the sprinklers, but I did.

The bridge that connects Maggie Daley Park to Millennium Park. & The edge of the raised sidewalk, in the middle of Millennium Park.

2:55- I stand at the edge of the raised sidewalk that looks out on the city from the center of Millennium Park. It made me realize that I made it. It was only 5 months ago when I sat there looking out onto the city that would soo be mine, after visiting Depaul’s campus, and here I am today in the Quad writing an essay as a DePaul student.

3:00- Kids are running around, playing in Crown Fountain. Screams and laughter are easily heard, and taken as signs of a fun time.

3:03- 4.6 miles later, the breeze has picked up even though it was still 90℉ out. There, at the Washington and Wabash Brown line stop, I ended my extended walk of “noticing the hell out of things”.

