Orange You Glad I Blue This Title

Liz Schormann
walking chicago 2017
6 min readOct 11, 2017

What is a map? How do Krygier & Wood define a map? How is a map related to the world it depicts? Why do we make maps?

A map is anything from a blueprint for a house, to a Mercator projection of the world; all maps have the same thing in common though, they are a condensed, bias view of a specified area. Krygier and Wood, however, would define “map” a bit differently: A map is a proposition that represents that instance or point in time, not something to be set in stone. The way a map looks is completely dependent on where it was created, the world it depicts. Whoever creates the map, is depicting their view on the world, not everyone’s individual views. Going off of an example the Krygier and Wood used, Northern India; to Pakistan, it is a part of their country, but that is quite the opposite if you ask India. It is like those maps you see where European’s are asked to draw the U.S., and the span of land from North Carolina to Texas is Disney world, anything west of Colorado is considered California, and the majority of the North East is New York; it all depends on who you ask. We still make maps though, this is because without them there would be no consensus for where something is or what is generally looks like; bias or not, maps are made to document the present.

Using google maps, I drew the path I walked along to find my colors (blue and orange) based off of Google’s bias. To Google, I just walked along streets, but to me, I walked past the Chicago Fire Department and then past a hotel; there is no cure to this bias since it is ingrained in everyone, but we can all try to look from different perspectives.

I take pride in the fact that the color matches both the peppers and the mums

Mums for Mom

Its is 2:24 when I get off the Red Line at Grand, I head down Illinois St. towards Clark. Not a lot of people are out, but the ones that are seem to be in a rush. To my right there are five large plant boxes lining the rest of the block, each one with an array of mums and peppers.


  • Clacking if a security gate opening for a company truck to enter
  • Three ladies walk past, complaining about one of their “1000 Monday calls”
  • Sirens. Are you really in a city if you don’t hear sirens at some point?


  • The cold air is beginning to cause the mum’s to wilt and the pepper’s to curl-up


  • Having been next to a nice Thai restaurant, there was an overwhelming smell of garlic and other spices


  • Mums are a staple fall flower since they can bear the cold weather longer than others flowers; seeing them is when it finally sinks in that fall is officially here.
  • These planters made me miss home and my family. My mom is a nerd when it comes to plants and gardening, she could garden for days. While helping her garden she would always tell me different facts about the plants, like how to split them or what time of year to plant them; mums are one of the few that stuck with me.

Green means “Go”, and Blue means“Park”

2:30: I am now on Clark St., headed north. Holding the paint swatch in my hand, I am trying to figure out if I will ever find this awkward blue-green color. Then I came to a screeching halt, just like the car did when it parallel parked in front of this sign.


  • The screeching of the breaks, from the car that was parking
  • The roar of a large, black SUV starting its engine
  • Endless honking from the mass of cars that overtook Ohio St.
  • Clacking noise made by a suitcase as it was dragged over each split/crack in the sidewalk


  • McDonald’s may be on the other side of the street, but the smell of french fries are a strong one
  • Exhaust fumes and gas


  • Standing on the awkward cobble stone part that splits the sidewalk into two. One side for people who are passing by, and the other for those getting out of their cars- it’s uneven and rough


  • Indifferent- Nothing here really struck a cord with me
  • little Awkward- I am on the short side, and stretching one arm as far as it can go with the color swatch while the other holding a phone at a weird angle to take the photo, can get you a few strange stares.

Nightmare on Clark Street

Its 2:38 and I stumble upon the country in the city, and I could not be happier! Walking down Clark, I see a bouncy house and out of habit walk towards it; little did I know I would find heaven on earth at the corner of Clark and Ontario.

Killing two birds with one stone


  • Traffic on Ontario. Is there always traffic in Chicago?
  • Children screaming as they run in and out of the bouncy house that is in the pumpkin patch
  • A phone conversation of the lady working the tent, talking about when her shift ends


  • Paint- There was a table set up in the corner with buckets of paint available for you to paint your pumpkin with
  • Hay- The main part of the display, besides the pumpkins


  • The types of pumpkins ranged from small, smooth ones to large, warty ones
  • The metal frame was cold and smooth


  • Fall is my favorite season, and pumpkins are the perfect accessory. Nightmare on Clark Street made me feel like a little kid in a candy store, overly excited while there and sad when it was time to leave.

Color Me Sweet

It was almost the end of my walk, when I start to crave something sweet. Turning right onto State st., I see Alliance Patisserie and it sounds perfect to me; looking in their window, I see a display filled with macaroons of all different colors. It is 2:45 when I walk in, I quickly discover that the pastries are $2.95 each; pulling out my color swatches I try and match them to a macaroon to justify spending around $7.00 on two macaroons.

Pistachio and Pumpkin Spice were as close as it got


  • Low volume, elevator type music playing in the background
  • The setting down of ceramic coffee mugs
  • Light chatter from a table where a group of older ladies were sat


  • Overwhelming smell of coffee and sugar


  • Everything about this sweet shop screamed straight/clean lines, from the rectangular display case to the marble table tops


  • Cozy- It was a small, quaint shop that was just warm and inviting

