Elias Alkhouri
walking chicago 2017
2 min readSep 13, 2017


The Attitude of a City Walker & Field Notes

Turnbull’s article about walking through the city breaks down the city from the noises to the people and everything in between. His use of the word disregard in describing how the people of the city act towards, gives a clear view of the mentality of the common city walker.

Turnbull describes people as disregarding him. To disregard is to have no concern with a matter. Everyone in the city is focused on themselves and pays very little attention to anyone around them. Even though a city is filled with thousands of people it is far from a community, everyone is a solitary walker. The cities across the world always busy and awake but there is a lack in connection between the people of the city, it is rare I find the bond many smaller communities in urban neighborhoods.

The manner in which city goers go about their day is very centered about getting from A to B and getting work done rather than enjoying the walks to work or engage in conversation with other city goers. Turnbull emphasizes this with his use of disregard when noting how people in the city react to one another.

