Why Meeting Strangers Is Not Strange

Dania Odeh
walking chicago 2017
3 min readOct 17, 2017

I grew up only forty-five minutes away from Chicago, yet I never really discovered the city for myself. Whenever I came to the city, I was limited to my car, and rarely got out. When I did get out, I never talked to strangers for two reasons. I was either in a rush or scared to talk to them. After the first week of this course, I made it my mission to talk to strangers. I wanted to challenge myself to do something I never use to. So, I decided to make a map based on all the interactions that I had with a stranger on all of my weekly walks. I think it is important to remember and look back on the memories we made and the people we met. Chicago is made up of strangers. The people are what make up the city. Without them it would be empty streets and no action or excitement going on. I learned how important it is to talk to strangers and step out of my comfort zone. Talking to strangers creates memories, good or bad. Talking to strangers can teach you not only about them, but the area you are in. We can learn a lot by interacting with strangers. You can learn something about the neighborhood you are in. You can find things you have in common with strangers. That interaction can make you smile and laugh, or it can make you uncomfortable, and shy. Either way, it is good to open up and talk to someone. Whether the interaction is good or bad, you left you mark with someone, not just the place.

Restaurant where I met the Greek owners.
The park where I talked to a lady about Harry Potter.
The bridge I met the British man.
Rough sketch of my map.

In response to Malchik, why is access to public space important? How might we reclaim public space?

Access to public space is not only important, but it is useful. Public spaces provide an area for strangers to come together, meet new people, and see new places. A public space can be the perfect opportunity to talk to someone you don’t know, learn about the area you are in, and really understand the city and the parts that make it up. The city is made up of public spaces, which is made up of people. Strangers and public spaces go hand in hand. Strangers can interact is other people in a public place. These spaces are essential because they belong to the people who make up the public. This place is there for them to utilize and enjoy. If there were no public spaces, there would be no place for strangers to meet. Public spaces allow any walker to come and explore. It is open to anyone who wants to discover the city for themselves.

