Willis Tower vs. Greek Town

Dania Odeh
walking chicago 2017
6 min readSep 13, 2017

Location: Greek Town

Date: Tuesday, September 12th

Time: 2:30 p.m.

Since my apartment is on the border of Greek Town, I decided to dive into this town a little further. I had no idea where I was going. I aimlessly started walking. I took a right, then a left, turned around, walked half a mile, then stopped. I ended up in front of this cute little greek restaurant. The door was wide open and there was Greek music playing loud. As I passed this fun and energetic restaurant, I bumped into the owner of the restaurant, and he looked at me and gave me the biggest smile. My feelings had immediately changed. I went from confused and lost, to happy and welcomed. As soon as I walked in, so many different smells entered my nose. Fresh bread, gyros, and grape leaves all at once. It was fantastic. People were dancing. Kids were playing. I never wanted to leave. Eventually I did have to leave, and when I did the owner looked over at me and said, “Bye Dania!” I smiled and was on my way. As I wondered through greek town, I noticed that I felt very safe, mostly because the people were so welcoming. I really enjoyed my trip visiting small shops and restaurants. My next stop was the Willis Tower.

The friendly restaurant I visited in Greek Town.


Two objects I found in Greek Town were:

  1. A target receipt for $15.00; I found this item right before I found that Greek restaurant. I was walking, then I heard a crunch. I look down and there it was. I immediately recognized that red circle logo. Then I looked at the location and knew where this Target was. It was the Target on Jackson Blvd. That was the target that I shopped at. I was so happy to see that receipt, because it reminded me of something familiar to me.
  2. A peeled banana; Right in front of my apartment, there was a peeled banana sitting in the middle of the side walk. I was about to pick it up, when a man came jogging and was about to slip on it. I waved him down and he decreased his speed. He gave me a strange look, until I showed him that he was about to fall. He thanked me and was on his way again.
The $15.00 receipt from the Target that I go to.
The banana peel that I saved a man from slipping on.

Location: Willis Tower

Date: Tuesday, September 12th

Time: 3:45 p.m.

The Willis Tower from my perspective.

After my time in greek town, I decided to visit the Willis Tower. I pushed my way through crowds of people, trying to find my way. According to Google Maps it was only a fifteen minute walk. I tried following the directions on my phone and observe the city, but I couldn’t. So, I put my phone away and figured out the rest. I walked down one street fro exactly one mile. Then I stopped. I saw twenty pigeons all huddled up next to each other. At first I didn’t think anyhting of it. Then, I noticed they were fighting over something. I look a little closer and see a hamburger bun in the midst of the chaos. I laughed to myself then looked up and saw a McDonalds. I could smell the greasy fries from a mile away. Right outside the McDonalds, I saw a homeless man looking into the restaurant. I decided to go inside and buy him a hamburger and some fries. When I handed him the food, he looked up at me and started to tear up. He explained to me that he has been sitting outside McDonalds for two weeks now, and not a single person has given him food. I smiled at him and continued my journey. I hadn’t realized that I was circling the Willis Tower, until I asked someone where it was and he pointed up. I stared at the massive building and soaked in the sun. For a half of a second the city was quiet, and it was just me and this building. It was a beautiful moment. But that half of a second ended and I was back in the loud and bustling city.

Here you can see the birds savagely attacking the McDonalds hamburger bun.


  1. The first object I found was a ticket to go up to the top of the Willis Tower. It was sitting in some dirt next to a Chipotle. At first I thought it was a napkin, but when I got closer I realized it was an actual ticket. I thought it was pretty funny that I was on my way to the Willis Tower and I found a ticket to go to the top.
  2. The second object I found was a visitor badge also for the Willis Tower. I was sitting on a ledge a couple blocks from the Willis Tower, admiring the beautiful flowers, then I saw this badge sitting in between the petals. I sat there wondering how this badge got there, and chuckled to myself.
Ticket to go to the top of the Willis Tower.
The visitor badge by the flowers.

Intention vs. Attention

Literally, intention is to plan in your head, but attention is taking notice of the things around you. These two are different in many ways. When your intention is to go to the mall, your don’t really pay attention to anything else. Your mind is set on the mall and nothing but the mall. Attention, however, is the opposite of what you do when you have a specific intention. When you pay attention to what is around you, you will notice the small parts of life you might not notice when you have your mind set on something. Walking without a destination allows you to pay attention, becasue you have no intention of going anywhere. It is open to your thoughts and imagination. While I was walking in Greek town, I had no intention of going anywhere, and it was great. I was truly with the city. I felt connected with it. However, when I was walking to the Willis Tower, I was too focused on getting there, that I didn’t enjoy my surroundings. As soon as I put Google Maps away and just explored, I started enjoying my time. Sometimes a destination takes up our thoughts and we can’t pay attention to what is around us.

