Brand New Bones

Finland Haney
walking chicago: a history in footsteps
5 min readOct 5, 2021

5:00 PM

I exit 30 N Michigan Ave, my chiropractor’s office downtown right across from millennium park. Having just had my back adjusted it feels like I’m walking around on brand new bones. I immediately notice the crisp smell that the fall weather has sent through the October air. The scent is indescribable yet somehow makes me feel so safe and at home every year when it comes around, that slight nip in the air. I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up as the cool air breaks around my body. I dedicated this time, post-appointment, to my walk. I make my way to the crosswalk making an effort to “notice the hell out of things,” and then turn the corner onto E Washington Street, one of my favorite streets in all of Chicago thus far. The light ticks from green to yellow before finally turning red as the little man on the light shows up, the signal to cross. The wind picks up as I turn onto this street and I immediately notice the strong scent of food being sent straight to my nose via the cool fall air.

5:15 PM

I am now on West Washington Street, further down now, the strong scent of beef piques my attention, I scan my surroundings before I notice it, “Burrito Beach.” This upscale burrito eatery makes my stomach grumble with hunger only brought to me by amazing Mexican cuisine. I slowly stroll my way across the bridge that connects both sides of the Chicago river, before I cross I take a few moments to pause and observe the rushing water below. The wind and cool temperature have affected the current today, causing the river to be much harsher than it has been during our last warm days of the season. I cross the bridge and turn the corner onto N Canal Street.

5:30 PM

I head south on N Canal Street until it becomes South Canal Street. Immediately on my left I see quite an interesting building I had never seen before, “The Old Post Office.” Built in the 1920’s this massive post office reminds me of a building I would see in a Bat-Man movie, the flags running down the front side of the building make an audible flapping noise in the rushing wind. I am reminded of the Leo Burnette building where my father used to work, despite the stark contrast in architecture. The array of flags on the front brings me back to a memory of looking up at the flags on the Leo Burnette building flapping as hard as they are today when I was a young kid visiting my fathers place of work. The huge curved glass building across the street casts a large reflection of the post office right back across the street at me. I wonder how many people take the time to look at the reflection, to appreciate the bigger picture. This street feels incredibly historical, I feel a lot of “ghosts” around, I imagine the bustle of people when this building was made, the former residents of this great city, all going to send and receive their mail.

6:15 PM

I have left the previous part of town I was in and made my way onto S State Street near the Monroe red line station. There is plenty to look at and to take around this busy part of downtown. The ambience feels very busy and fast paced, pedestrians race across crosswalks with seemingly no regard for the signals, everyone has their head down on their phone. I have a moment of intense realization that each of these people have a life as complex and unique as my own. I am just a side character to them. The fast paced energy of State Street makes me feel incredibly lonely and independent as despite being surrounded by so many people, not one seems to notice me. A big city can make you feel like you are never really alone and also make you feel so stranded and lost at other times. I find in those times of feeling lost are when I am able to find the most, it is only when we lose our direction for a moment or two that we can realize all that we have to continue to discover. This type of lostness is new and different, not lost as though I can’t find what I’m looking for, but lost as though I can see all the other paths I could not have before.


I completely lost my sense of destination, I began zoning out and following my feet for the last 45 minutes, they brought me to the lakeshore, all the way to Navy Pier. I slowly meander past a horde of red and blue umbrellas set outside a nearby restaurant patio, the alternation of color pops and brings a smile to my face, a splash of fun in a simple way. I continue towards the pier as I cross under the red archway sign that reads in white bordered with red “NAVY PIER,” held up by 2 simple brick pillars. I am reminded of school trips here in elementary school to watch Shakespeare theatre. We always visited the plant atrium and were able to get a food of our choice inside Navy Pier. These are some of my fondest memories with some of my closest friends. The smell of the water hits me as I reach the end of the pier. The vast horizon of Lake Michigan seems infinite from here.


I make my way back towards the Grand CTA station in a slow stroll and arrive around 8pm after enjoying the beautiful Lake Michigan view. I see the city begin to darken, and the high speed bustle of the day slowly fades into the calm quiet darkness. I notice a certain peace here at this moment, the hustle of the day has ended, commuters have gone back home, traffic clears up, and the always loud city gets just a bit quieter. I love the quiet and the peace that comes with the night.

