First Feeling of Fall

Vlada Waters
walking chicago: a history in footsteps
6 min readSep 22, 2021



Field Notes:

We had the option of either listening to Jennie Savage’s guided walk or following a stranger for our walk. I decided to go with the first option because I didn’t want to risk getting caught;) My weather app showed a temperature of 64 degrees with cloudy skies. I was excited because I could finally wear a sweatshirt, my favorite article of clothing. I popped in my airpods and got out the door.

As I was listening to Jennie’s voice I started to hear a lot of background noise; cars driving, people walking by, bicyclists passing. At first I thought it was happening on my walk but when I paused the audio I realized it was coming from the recording. It was my first time using my new airpod pros aside from during a workout so it was impressive to see how well the audio worked, I felt like I was walking along side Jennie. It was interesting to hear Jennie’s experience and all of her detailed observations but I felt like they were taking away from what I could observe. I didn’t want to follow her path and I wanted to enjoy my own solitary stroll, so after listening to her audio I chose to do my own thing.

The first ambiance I recognized was the cool breeze, I loved it. I suddenly started to picture the beanies and jackets I wanted to plan to wear for this fall. Visually, I noticed that it was darker out because the skies were grey and cloudy. Other people were wearing jackets and holding warm drinks. I’ve been a little congested so I couldn’t distinctly smell anything but I could feel fresher air without any stickiness or humidity like it is in the summer. I was really drawn to the businesses inside the buildings as I walked past them. There was a pleasant salon, Chinese restaurant, and then a flowershop. Actually, a flowershop that I’ve noticed before. This time, I went inside to feel the soft petals and attempted to smell the plants. I thought of my roommate who calls herself a “flower slut” and wanted to buy her some flowers, but then I remembered I barely have a budget to spend on myself.

3:23 pm | W Fullerton Ave

I continued the walk and spotted a color on a car that I really liked, it also gave me that fall vibe so I just wanted to share:

Matte Green Color BMW

Later on my walk I continued to walk towards a street I always drove on but never stepped foot. It was strange to notice totally different things in the same location. The buildings come before everything, they are big and stand out. Next are the noisy cars. The pedestrians come after, because they are a smaller scene to look at. However on a walk, they are the first thing I notice because they are right in front of me. The little things come first, the dogs, litter, plants.


I heard a loud old truck coming from behind me so I was able to catch a photo of it. It was another sound I heard a lot of on my walk.


This tree above was something I noticed and remembered about the wind I was hearing from my apartment last night. I assumed that the wind probably broke off this tree’s arm.

As I walked further I decided to enter a shopping plaza, I was still participating in walking and I was collecting some objects from it. I bought my sister a candle for her new apartment and an accessory for my Halloween costume.

3:42pm Riverpoint Plaza
3:47pm Bath & Body Works
4:14pm PartyCity

What I learned was different between my walk and Jennie’s was that she was able to walk in many different settings. She began on a busy street with many people, then she was in an area with many cars, and she ended by the water where it was calm and quiet. She made many quick turns which I couldn’t because the blocks were longer. My streets were all pretty similar in setting. Next time, I want to start my walk in a place that is much farther than my apartment so that everything is new to me.

I was also able to reflect on the big difference between my week this week versus last week. My previous stroll was through streets that weren’t surrounded by many businesses or people. It was warm outside and I built up a sweat. This week I walked past more pedestrians with my hands in my sweatshirt pocket, I felt my cheeks get cold and rosy from the wind. The extra observations I made on my walk were: Two girls running in their school uniform dresses, white mini pumpkin decorations sold for $3.50, a biker wearing a vintage cubs varsity jacket, spanish music blasting through a cars speaker, a homeless man eating under the metra tracks, a man wearing an old fashioned silver suit and headphones, and a very cute black dog.


I definitely want to go on a more exciting walk next time with a better mood and brighter weather!!!

Reading Response

In “Paris, or Botanzing the Asphalt,” Rebecca Solnit quotes Walter Benjamin who writes, “But to lose oneself in a city — as one loses oneself in a forest — that calls for a quite a different schooling” (p. 255). What is the meaning of “losing oneself in the city?” Have you ever lost yourself in this sense? If so, describe your experience. What do you remember?

When we walk, we have certain intentions. For most people, it’s to get somewhere. A lot of this walking chicago class has taught me that I should add a trip in my week that isn’t meant to go to a certain place. It should be meant to set a time for myself. To explore, to move, to think. Ever since moving to the city I’ve occupied myself with events, outings, or even conversations between my roommates. There’s always a bustle. Even if I go on a solitary stoll, there’s activity in my surroundings. Yet in a way, I can also be in my own atmosphere. That to me, is what it means to “lose myself in the city”. I stop thinking about all of the errands I have to run, projects I need to complete, and drama that has happened. Instead, I lose myself and just have my body present on every street of the moment. I can recall one time that I lost myself on a popular street filled with stores. As a way to lose myself, one of my favorite hobbies is shopping. Not necessarily a clothing store, it could be a grocery shop, market, or even café. I found myself exploring every item with the little details. I walked out of a shop and noticed it was already dark outside. (223)

