The Pride and Joy of Il-i-nois

Finland Haney
walking chicago: a history in footsteps
2 min readSep 21, 2021
During my walk to Soldier Field to see the Bears play, I took this photo with my camera, I particularly liked this moment. There was not a cloud in the sky and I could hear the announcers from outside the stadium. This view of the skyline, obstructions and all, is one of my favorites.

With big cities comes many people, as many people grow into adulthood they look for independence and to create their own story, only to find their view of life and what the world is, is frankly a confusing mess. Lists are a necessity, and an undervalued part of life in my opinion. Lists make sense of what is a constantly confusing and tricky world, they bring order and structure to the chaos of life. If we are able to break down our complex issues in our lives, in our jobs, in our transportation, then we begin to be able to take on larger challenges more easily, we become much more prepared. Walking inspires ideas, a walker sees a grocery store or someone wearing a piece of clothing and becomes inspired in one of many ways. The more we walk, the more we experience, and large cities provide great incentive to walk. The more we experience, the more we have to break down and analyze by creating lists to solve our problems one at a time. Cities bring people, people crave to wander, wandering inspires the people, the people begin to list their wants, needs, tasks, and all sorts of other things.

This is my journal and map, I walked from Kenmore to Fullerton station and took the red line to Roosevelt where I got off and walked about a half an hour to the stadium. This walk is scenic and quite enjoyable, it makes the 30 minute walk feel brisk, especially on a gorgeous day like this one was.
I was sitting in section 338 right behind the Bears sideline and was very lucky to get some favorable angles with my camera, my dream is to be down there on the field personally working for and filming these guys and this felt like the taste test.
My boy thirsty.

