The Storming of My Brain

I want the theme to be finding beauty in the city. Specifically focusing on graffiti and street art. I think that older generations and certain people look down upon street art and graffiti thinking that it is ugly and vandalizes the street it is on, ruining it. I plan to make a map and field guide around areas of Chicago showing how graffiti and street art bring a whole new layer to the streets. Livening the areas it is it.

“‘We wanted to show support for the movement, and this is the best way we know how,’ McClellan said. ‘We’re really glad to have participated, and excited with how beautifully it turned out.’” (Ward Black lives matter mural painted by 18 artists takes over Uptown Street) This quote is talking about a Black Lives matter mural that was put up in Uptown. The artist is saying that they wanted to show support for the community. They were unsure of ways that they could but being an artist, street art was the best way to do so. This directly shows how street art can be used as way to support communities and minorities. Lots of times, when using words things can be lost in translation. Art is a way that people can connect and support one another. This directly proves that street art bring a whole new layer to the streets. First by livening the street, adding color which often makes the street much less dark and dull. Secondly, art can be used to support causes and spread awareness. I am going to show this with the art works that I highlight.

“Just remember that real engagement with your environment also means noticing things that are not necessarily charming at all: security cameras, potholes, weeds, ruins, irritating strangers hollering into their phones.” (Walker The art of noticing: Five ways to experience a city differently) Walker in this article is describing how cities can not fully experienced unless you pay attention to everything around you completely. The good and the bad, both have to be seen and understood. Not everything in the city will be pleasing to you. That includes tags that you will see all around the city. This quote makes me think of the topic I am writing about because, as I was saying, people look down at graffiti and tags. But to understand and to be engaged in the city you have to see them as part of the culture. People use graffiti to express themselves and as a creative output. When one looks at the tags in that way they can see beauty behind each tag. Writers all form their own flairs to their writing and have their own tag. Meaning you can more or less follow an artist throughout the city. You can see and experience all of this, from just noticing something that you think is ugly.

“By using an urban place against the grain of common practice, one owned it — albeit for the briefest moment” (Hollis and Benjamin Cities thrive when public space is open to all: Aeon Essays) Right before this Hollis was writing about a run that he went on organized by a man who schedules them during the night. Running around the city of London at 2 am. The author is saying that running at that time at night, one is breaking the social norm. Nobody runs in the city in the middle of night. He is saying that by breaking the social norm they felt more in control of the city. I think the same principle goes for graffiti and street art. Going against that grain and expressing yourself through the art of graffiti is taking control of the city, making it your own. You can observe this art embracing it and make the city your own as well.

I think the block around DePaul is extremely walkable. Well, for some background, I used to live in Dallas. Dallas is not a walkable city at all. In lots of places there are not even any sidewalks. So here in Chicago, everything is walkable to me, theres sidewalks. But here around DePaul it is very walkable. To begin with, the sidewalks are well maintained and and everything is built in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Meaning that the appearance was something that matters to the people that work and live around here. There are trees and flowers planted bringing color to the ground. The sidewalk on Fullerton offers plenty of space to walk on and the business fronts are decorated and then most of the apartments offered a rooftop space and balconies. I do not know what it is but I love seeing those. Especially with people up in them. I like thinking of the view that people have in balconies or on roofs. Furthermore, on the street lights they often have banners. I have seen that before in Dallas, but they are always just advertisements. Here in Chicago all of the ones that I see are saying the neighborhood that you are in. I love that, they have little designs and I think it makes the neighborhood feel more like home. (221)

