walking chicago: a windy city atlas
1 min readSep 18, 2018


Oz Park Walk

Walking in the city has a certain allure to it however in today’s world walking is something underappreciated as well as difficult for many people. Growing up in Wisconsin walking is non-existent other than to a friend that lives in the same neighborhood. Urban planners instead think of ways to travel throughout the city other than walking. Driving is something that is a necessity in places like Milwaukee however in Chicago the trains and buses are a necessity. They plan peoples routes by train and bus instead of walking. Take DePaul which has two campuses if we didn’t have the train it would be impossible for someone to walk from one campus to the other between classes or at least nobody wants to walk the hour and a half to do so. The people that developed this city wanted us to use the trains to travel and not to walk. This was partly for convenience and partly for the safety of the residents of Chicago. Walking is one of the more dangerous forms of travel because you are exposed with no protection and many times you are alone while you walk. However there is also safety in walking because you control the course and where you are walking.

