Reading Log Week 4

Amy Gomez
walking chicago + beyond
2 min readOct 5, 2020

Why does de Certeau begin a chapter titled “Walking in the City” at the top of the World Trade Center in Manhattan?

Certau is on top of the World Trade Center becasue he is able to see everything from above. Certau is a voyeur, he gets plessure from watching and inspecting things from the top of the building. Certue describes his view as “looking down like god” meaning he is watching from above and is able to observe almost everything in manhattan and he is able to experience and see a lot of things at once. He also explains how the history behing the altitude in the tower has to do with being an enjoyable view. The story states “Medevil or Renaissance painters represented the city as seen in a perspective no eye had yet enjoyed” meaning that the people who built the tower had a purpose on having a high altitude on the the tower and the purpose was for people to enjoy the city in a whole new perspective. To see everything from above like a god looking down at the world.

Why are “haunted places” the “only ones people can live in”?

Places have their history and memories and that is why people get so personal to a certain spot. Every place has its own story to tell wether it was 200 years ago or 5 years ago. Because of its history it can be “haunted places’ because its history was in the past. The story states “Memories tie us to that place… it’s personal, but after all it’s what gives a neighborhood its character” this means that each place has its own story and legends behind it and that is why sometimes people are so in love with the place or have something personal to do with the history of it. Sometimes people like to remember certain things about the place that used to be there and not anymore and that is a personal reason why people like “haunted places”. Sometimes it makes people comfortable knowing the history behind the place, knowing the “ hauntings” and stories that the place has not yet unfolded it makes people feel good in that place.

