Week 6

Hollis defines “the right to the city” with his words of “reclaiming the city”. Hollis seems to think that people can no longer be in the city or do anything in the city without there being a price to be paid. Everyone should have access to the city, to be able to transport all around but it is not this way because the areas with lower income are not explored or sometimes considered part of the city due to their lack of resources. I think anyone can have the right to the city, from the citizens to even tourists. I think the tourists are able to appreciate the city in a new light from citizens who have lived there more time because they know more about the place. Ideally, everyone should have access to public spaces but it is not really like that. For one, not everyone takes advantage of these public spaces but also if they were to go, there would be a way that they are restricted access to this, either because of gender or race or other factors. (181)

