A Disappointing Walk

Caleb Ainsworth
Walking Chicago: Foot Stories
6 min readSep 13, 2023

Walking Journal

I plan on walking to the Shedd Aquarium to see the Man with Fish statue.


4:45 — Left the CDM Center after Comp Sci. and started walking towards the lake. Caught a strong wif of marijuana on someone as they passed, though I didn’t see who it had been coming from.

4:52 — An ambulance passed right by me. Its siren hurt my ears, but it didn’t stop me from crossing the street to a big bridge. The bridge was far from fancy but I would have expected more people to stand at its edges.

4:54 — I noticed that there aren’t a whole lot of people going on leisure walks today. Past Michigan Ave, there’s a significant decrease in the amount of people on the street compared to other times I’m by the water. The breeze makes it a little cold at times, but generally, it’s nice out today so I’m confused.

4:57 — I arrive at the Buckingham Fountain and it’s sort of cool. I don’t think that the architecture is that nice and I feel like this massive space could have been used more efficiently, but I understand that landmarks like this are important to any city.

4:59 — I noticed that the area around the fountain is pretty dirty. There’s a lot of garbage and dried-out gum in the cracks of the bricks. I also noticed bigger trash on the outskirts of the bricks. I feel like this area should be cleaner as it’s a place that people are going to specifically to enjoy the scenery of. However, it would have also helped if this area was smaller.

5:05 — Walked down to the water and it was super quiet. No more cars and reverberation of city noise, just the sound of others walking and enjoying the peace nearby. It’s so quiet that I can hear the crickets chirping in the grass nearby.

5:11 — I notice a large number of runners near the water, likely because of the nice breeze, lack of businessmen, and traffic lights. I’m really glad that my metabolism is as high as it is because I’m enjoying my walk, but I would not enjoy running. Once I do start having to do cardio, this seems like the ideal place to catch a nice and quiet breeze.

5:20 — I’ve collected my first item. It’s a purple flower (near the ones in the image). I had a hard time thinking of or seeing things to collect until I saw a pretty flower. I think I’m going to make a collection of different flowers from each walk. I felt kind of weird taking them, I was just waiting for some Karen to tell me I was harming the plant.

5:23 — The statue is GONE! I walked all the way to the Man and Fish statue and it’s gone. Or at least it has a wooden box around it and a lot more construction on top of that. I wonder if they are getting rid of the Man and Fish or if they are just reworking the area around them. I’m really disappointed because my girlfriend and I found the statue very amusing.

5:26 — I picked a small sugar cane or bamboo-looking plant to be my second collected item. I’ve seen these throughout Wisconsin and thought they looked cool. They’re also fun to break apart when you’re bored.

5:45 — Arrived back at the UC. Someone has dropped all of their credit cards and left them on the street. I watch a good samaritan stop people as they walk by, asking them if they dropped their cards.


5:00 — Walking towards the water from Buckingham Fountain, I noticed that I was starting to sweat. It’s not very hot out, but in the sunlight without a breeze, the heat can start to accumulate. I’m glad I’ve made it to the water because there’s a cool breeze coming off the lake that’s helping to cool me off. The water is a beautiful shade of blue, though the white froth at the top makes me worried for those who swim in it. I continue my walk along the water towards the Shedd Aquarium, enjoying the breeze and scenery.

5:23 — I arrived at the Man and Fish statue just to find that it was closed. There’s a lot of construction preventing you from getting close. Additionally, there are massive wooden walls around the statue making it impossible to see. I’m really disappointed because I find this statue really amusing and wanted to take a picture to remind my girlfriend of when we came here. There’s literally no one around, likely because the construction is pretty harsh on the eyes and ruins the environment. I hope that they aren’t getting rid of the statue and that they’re merely updating the surroundings to give the Man and Fish a better pedestal. Either way, I’m disappointed that I didn’t get to see the main event of my walk.


Purple Flower — At 5:20, I found a vibrant purple flower with bright yellow pollen. It’s really pretty and the color reminds me of my girlfriend who loves purple flowers. I’m a little excited to make a small collection of the flowers I collect on my walks. After getting back to the University Center, I noticed that my flower was a little crushed after being in my pocket for so long, though I’m just going to smash it in a book after this anyway.

Mini Bamboo — At 5:26, I recognized a little bamboo-looking plant that I’ve seen a lot in Wisconsin. They’re cool because they are hollow but super strong on the outside, making them fun to snap while walking. I grabbed one because it’s significantly different than the flower I picked as well as reminding me of vacations in Wisconsin. These plants can grow pretty tall in segments that can be broken apart and discarded as I walk, making them a fun fidget. They’re also really dry so there’s no risk of dirtying your hands while pulling them apart.


Reading Journal

Prompt: In “The Solitary Stroller and the City,” Rebecca Solnit writes, “Cities have always offered anonymity, variety, and conjunction, qualities best basked in by walking” (p. 182). How have you experienced the anonymity, variety, and conjunction of Chicago while walking?

As someone with a severe anxiety disorder, I have often felt like people watch and judge me in public. However, after being in the city for a couple of weeks, I noticed that everyone was so focused on what they were doing or where they were going that I was unseen. This gives me a sense of comfort and anonymity because no one who I pass on the street knows who I am or where I am going. Additionally, there is so much variety and diversity throughout the city that it becomes significantly harder to stand out and draw attention amid the mass of differences. I am always taking in my surroundings because I enjoy seeing new things, but with so much happening on every street, it’s hard to single something to focus on that supports the anonymity I feel while walking. Finally, the conjunction of everything happening at the same time makes it easy to miss something that happened for only a moment. All of these factors can make walking down the street feel solitary and observational. A relaxing, passive way to experience the city (188).

