walking chicago: history in footsteps
7 min readNov 3, 2022


David Losordo

Discover Chicago

Before taking this course I thought walking was meant for one reason, that reason was to get from one destination to the other. I never thought about the different variations of walking, like trotting and sauntering. I thought walking was such a basic everyday task people do. But after this course it was very eye opening to see how interesting walking can be. I have always been so unaware of my surroundings whenever I was walking but now walking around our City there’s something new with every step you take if you really notice your surroundings. Something as simple as a sign that was there one day and gone the other. It’s fun to notice these little things and ask what’s the story behind them. Walking around a big city like Chicago stories are all over the place, everywhere you step is always haunted with the stories of everyone who walked there and been there. The stories aren’t always some bizarre story that has a huge plot but it could just be someone you met and talked to. I’ve talked to many people through my time walking around in Chicago and you meet some amazing people. Everyone has a story here and walking around talking to new people brings the communities together and helps make people’s day from just giving a little compliment or having a small conversation. Every community in Chicago is different. You will have very different people at Lincoln park compared to people in the downtown loop. Walking around shows the different communities around, it is amazing to see them. Some communities in Chicago are looked at completely wrong due to the media, but those who believe that communities from the south and west side are the parts of Chicago where the communities there are ruthless and violent are the same people who aren’t outside exploring the city and walking around. When I first came here I was nervous about being in Chicago and the stories/people who are here. But walking around and exploring the city on foot made me realize that Chicago is not so bad. I have walked/Skated many places around the city with my friends. Since we skateboard we are out on the streets a lot so we have interacted with so many people. People see that we skate and always approach us, it is a blessing because they always seem to be very genuine, nice people who give us advice or it is people just telling us some crazy story. Most people get nervous when interacting with strangers but I look at it with the mindset that there is a high chance that I will never see this person again so if it is awkward or anything along those lines I don’t mind. My family always tells me to not talk to strangers here because it is dangerous. They sat me down and had so many talks with me to be safe and how dangerous and scary this city is, they always tell me to keep to myself and always walk around with a group of people. I’ve been here for a little over a month now and I can say I have rebelled against them from taking this course because they were completely wrong about this city. Coming here I knew close to nothing about the city besides deep dish pizza and it being violent. I didn’t know anything about the art, communities, buildings, etc. I just knew nothing about Chicago. But after strolling around and doing research I found many places I love walking around in. My favorite would have to be Pilsin. After our class did a tour around there I went back the week after to show my friends. The murals on every street have so much history and meaning to them it is so amazing to look at them and listen to the story about them. Plus they are so pretty to just look at and it amazes me on how they are made. The community there is a tightnet and welcoming, the only problem with Pilsim is that it is being gentrified which is awful. While looking at the amazing murals, you will get many smells of the best food you will try. The feeling you get when walking around there is a sense of comfort especially when it is a nice day outside there are fields you can eat in and just enjoy a great day there. Pilsen is a bit of a trip but it is worth it, plus there is a skatepark there built from the community. That is one of the many places in Chicago that are amazing and I have discovered. It feels good walking around and finding a new place because it feels like you’re a little kid again discovering this brand new part of your city. The different smells,vibes, and energy you get from walking around and finding new places is euphoric. The difference between walking one area and then 4 streets over is completely different. It is a different vibe and experience that’s what makes Chicago and walking around it so amazing. The amount of stories you can have by just walking around for about an hour is amazing. I have explored a good bit of Chicago but I am not even close to exploring it all. I wanna visit more of the southside and westside, I have been around the loop and up north a lot, and have rarely been to the south and the west. Back to what I was saying about the media and Chicago, they never talk about the southside and westside unless it has to do with crime. If you google a map of Chicago most of them only show the big tourist attractions in the Loop and up North. They rarely show the south and the west because they don’t want people going there and seeing that side of Chicago. But I feel as if that is the true Chicago, Where I am from the tourist attractions are not the true good spots. I am trying to find the hidden gems around the city I can show my friends and family. Exploring Chicago is such an experience, not just Chicago but any big city is, Walking around and getting to know the area and seeing all the little details about the place, how they change over time and see what they become. I am very glad I chose walking Chicago as my class because I have a whole new outlook when I go out on walks. I notice more and pay more attention. Walking in Chicago makes you almost feel like a ghost because there’s just so many people around you. Everyone is set on getting on to getting straight to their destination and not living in the moment walking around the city. People don’t talk to you because there is some unspoken rule that it is weird to talk to strangers. So everyone just mines their own business and doesn’t appreciate the fact that we are all one big community. Nobody appreciates the little things when it comes to living in Chicago. Everyone is way too caught up with their life and problems and can’t take a break to enjoy it. Whenever I am walking my mind feels free, I am only focusing on my surroundings. All my problems go away for a bit even if it is a quick walk.

I chose this photo because it shows the little things you see walking around in Chicago. Seeing this cat was a big joy from my walk and it put a smile on my face. Most people would keep walking but I stayed for a second and hung out with a cat. It was awesome.

I chose this photo because it shows the whole city from the bird’s eye point of view. We talked about this in one of our first classes and it really stuck with me. This point of view is not the actual view/experience of the city. When up there it is peaceful and quiet, you feel very secluded from the world. It is an amazing view, yes but it is the opposite of the Chicago experience.

This photo shows the art that is in Chicago. I find it crazy that everywhere you walk you will see some art sculptures or art murals in the city. It brings the city life, and makes everything more interesting. Plus it is a great way to start a conversation with someone using the triangle method.

This photo I thought looked very beautiful and was very dope to show. I was walking around the aquarium and I ran into this view with a perfect grass patch to hang out on and enjoy the day. Just shows how walking around the city can lead you to little spots like these.

This photo is rare because it shows an empty train station. There are always people around wherever you go and when I saw this I was pretty amazed. It was peaceful and satisfying to see it empty.

Best Chicago Properties. “Best Walkable Chicago Neighborhoods.” Best Chicago Properties, Best Chicago Properties Https://Www.bestchicagoproperties.com/Wp-Content/Uploads/2012/03/Logo.png, 4 May 2021, https://www.bestchicagoproperties.com/blog/best-walkable-chicago-neighborhoods/.

