walking chicago: history in footsteps
2 min readOct 19, 2022


For my walk I decided to go for a night walk. I haven’t done this for any of my walks so I thought it would be fun. I was wrong it was abnormally cold outside, but I kept walking. I wanted to explore parts of campus and Lincoln Park that I haven’t before. I knew where I was headed to wonder around, the street that's off Fullerton right next to the Mobile station. When I got there, I was excited to walk around but I kind of knew what it I was going to be seeing. I expected to see apartments and houses, I was right for the most part, but I also found a bunch of little hidden gems. As I said before it was freezing so I was walking fast trying to stay warm. But then I saw this very cool little restaurant with little patio outside and lights surrounding the patio. Walking down a little more I see this perfect down rail that I can skate on. Whenever I am outside, I am always on a look for “skate spots”. I found this one and was extremely happy with this find. I knew the next day I am going to have to show my buddy so soon we can skate it. I kept on walking being on the verge of being lost but then I saw this big park with a 711 next to it. I knew exactly where I was, so I decided to head back. Freezing my butt of I finally got home and went straight under my covers to warm up.

