walking chicago: history in footsteps
3 min readOct 12, 2022


  • I walked out of my dorm and I knew which spot I was going to be sitting for the next 30 minutes. The little hang out spot right next to Arts and letters. I got there at around 2:30 and was ready to observe. When I got there, their was a few other kids just sitting down. I think I chose the worst day to sit in this public space because it was raining today. I didn’t know it was going to rain until I looked at the weather app because I saw an overcast.
  • 2:35, This place was crazy at this time. All the students who had a 1:00 class just got let out and were rushing to their next destination. More people joined the public spot for a bit to say hi to some friends who were there. It made me feel overwhelmed whenever it was crazy because there were just so many kids. But quickly that slowed down and it became more chill again for a moment.
  • 2:40, When sitting here I noticed most people who are here are just trying to get work done. Most people had their computer open or a notebook open just really focused on what they were doing. It was quiet there besides people having conversations walking around the spot and cars going by. The vibes here were well and I know it will be a busier spot when the weather is nice.
  • 2:50, It started to rain! But I stood my ground. When it started to rain everyone started to panic. The spot cleared out because people didn’t wanna ruin their electronics or papers. It was funny to watch because whenever it rains, wherever you are people always have the same reaction that is to just panic. It was very funny to watch.
  • 3:00, The spot was pretty much cleared besides me. I was soaking wet and very cold. It was not fun, but I got it done. It was loud at the time with the rain hitting everything and people screaming because they don’t want to get wet. I saw one person sprinting across the street and it made me laugh.

