Immersion Week

Angie Li
walking chicago: history in footsteps
3 min readSep 6, 2022

Moving hundreds of miles away from home, I knew I was going to be pushed far outside of my comfort zone, but nothing could have prepared me for this week. Growing up in Dallas and living there my whole life, I had never experienced what I had during my first week in Chicago. From public transportation to exploring neighborhoods rich with culture and stories, this week was a big change for me.

Dallas is not a walkable city, actually the complete opposite of that, and public transportation is practically nonexistent there. Taking the CTA is a big challenge for me, and to be honest not a challenge I enjoy. The familiarity I had with getting into my car and driving wherever I wanted whenever I wanted played a big part in my struggles I had this week when taking the “L”. Being forced to explore things I am unfamiliar with has allowed me to engage in new activities and experiences.

Many stories lie within each community of Chicago, and one that stood out to me the most was Gold Coast. Gold Coast emerged from the Great Chicago Fire, and has made its way to one of the wealthiest areas Chicago has to offer. With shady streets and beautiful homes with intertique architecture, this neighborhood stood out because of its similarities to Highland Park, a neighborhood in Dallas. Even though the styles of homes are very different, the overall ambience and feel of the neighborhoods are very similar, giving me a sense of home I had been longing for since I moved here.

When we went to our service site on Wednesday, my first reaction was not something I am proud of. Never picking up a tool or even gardening made me nervous for what was to come, but I was blown away by the intense sense of community that was present. Everyone coming together out of their own time to take care of a shared space shows how involved everyone is with their community, and how close everyone is with each other. The care that everyone had for this garden was so intense you could sense it the moment that you were there. Pushing myself out of my bubble and trying new skills has made me realize the importance of teamwork and how much one can accomplish when everyone comes together. The love and care that was present at the Maypole Block Club Garden is something I had never been able to engage with back home, and I am so glad we were able to help them out this day.

My immersion week here has helped me ease into exploring past my personal boundaries and getting a new look on the city that I didn’t have before. Being homesick is something I knew I would go through, but this week has made me grow to find parts of the city that I love.

