Strolling through Lakeview: did not see an actual view of the lake

Neomi Gooch
walking chicago: history in footsteps
4 min readSep 14, 2022

Everyday on my morning commute to school and my night commute home I pass through multiple different neighborhoods in the span of 40 minuets. But, it is extremely rare for me to stop and take a look around these neighborhoods, especially when I am alone. So this past Thursday I decided to take stroll around Lakeview and see what the neighborhood had to offer.

3:13 pm -Arrived in Lakview off of the Belmont Red Line stop. First noticed all of the stores and restaurants that fill up the main streets.

3:16 pm - I began to walk down Belmont to see what different shops there were. Reckless Records is a record store that I had been to before but, it seemed different during the day compared to the evening. There was a couple in their mid 20s debating on whether or not to buy a Jimi Hendrix record or a Beatles record. I didn’t stay long enough to see which one they bought but both were wonderful options.

3:34 pm- As I continued to East down Belmont I saw so many small concert, business, and odd posters hung up on the light poles and side of buildings.

3:38 pm- I had passed a familiar restaurant that I had not been to since I was a toddler. Ann Sather holds the reputation of the best cinnamon rolls in Chicago. Unfortunately, they were closed so I was not able to buy one but hopefully I will make it on time the next stroll through Lakeview.

Ann Sather Resturant (909 W Belmont)

3:44 pm- I had made my way towards a small store on Clark called Amigo and Us. It is filled with art, crystals, incense, and pretty interesting clothing. The store filled with the smell of fresh burned incense that you can smell out on the street.

Art hung up in Amigos and Us (3209 N Clark St)

3:56 pm- As I walked back to the red line could not help but notice the large population of homeless people on the street of Belmont. I was asked multiple times “Could you spare me some change?”. I felt guilty for being a person that has completely transformed into a “card only” person. In retrospect I found that Lakeview is an area were “card only” is the motto that is heavily carried by businesses.

4:02 pm- When I finally made it to my bus stop there was a crowd of people hoping for the bus to come on time. I decided to walk around for a bit longer and wait out the crowded area.

4:10 pm- I decided to buy an ice coffee across the street and had met some girls from UIC when I walked back to the stop. We all shared our experiences of commuting throughout the city and how it as motivated to explore different parts.

4:15 pm- As I waited for the bus at the almost empty bus stop I had noticed the large amount of pigeons that filled the sidewalk.

4:19 pm- I had finally ended my Lakeview exploration journey by hoping on the Belmont West bus and thought about all of the new spots I look forward to visiting again.


Reading Response:

Chosen Question- “In the Solitary Stroller and the City” Rebecca Solnit writes “Cities are forever spawning lists” (p.202). Why do walking, list, and cities seem to go together?

In the Solitary Stroller and the City written by Rebecca Solnit, the theme of connection to cities, streets, and a metaphorical list are heavily aligned with one another. Essentially when you think about a city, you think of a walkable environment, unlike the countryside which Solnit points out is somehow unappealing to walk through even if you are walking the same distance. When a person is in a city, they have endless opportunities of where they could go, who or what they can see, like a list which offers endless opportunities as well. The idea of having no limitations draws people to a city like Chicago, because a person is socially and emotionally being given a broad layout of explorations. For example, this past Sunday I was at a farmers market at eleven o’clock in Lincoln Square and by three o’clock I was in the South Loop area running multiple errands. Living in a city with endless options and accessible ways to get around the city is what makes it “forever spawning lists”. (171)

