walking chicago: history in footsteps
3 min readSep 15, 2022


  • What I saw on my walk
  • On my walk I left at about 2:30 and the first thing I noticed was, it is getting colder and fall officially started.
  • I decided to go on a big adventure so I headed to the train station and on my way there I saw everyone with light jackets and I smelt the cool fresh air of fall.
  • I hopped on the train around 2:45 and took it straight to jackson station. While on the train I was listening to music and I saw this person walk on with a very big rottweiler, which is my favorite dog so I asked him if I can pet his dawg and he said yes. Then we talked for a bit.
  • I hopped off the train at about 3 and the first thing I saw was a big crowed of people just talking and yelling and having a good time and it made me smile.
  • I headed the grant park to walk around.
  • While I was walking in the park everything was still a little damp from the rain earlier
  • I saw so many dops and then I saw some walking a cat which was very strange
  • When I was walking I felt very good because it was a big stress reliever from all the work, coming to a new school, and I am missing home.
  • I finished my walk around 4–4:15 and took the train home

In “The Solitary Stroller and the City,” Rebecca Solnit writes, “Cities have always offered anonymity, variety, and conjunction, qualities best basked in by walking” (p. 182). How have you experienced the anonymity, variety, and conjunction of Chicago while walking?

While walking in Chicago I felt as if these 3 words perfectly describe the experience. Chicago is such a beautiful big city with so much diversity and so many experiences to uncover. Walking around the city there are always so many people around, especially in the loop in which I took my walk around. While walking around the big city you really do feel like you are anonymous, because there are so many people around you and they are doing their own thing. Everyone has a destination to go to and nobody is focused on you, they are focused on where they are going. So you feel kinda alone in a way, but when I was walking I knew I had no destination. I was just walking. It felt weird but in a good way knowing all these people had a place to be and were in a rush while I was walking slowly, taking my time and enjoying life. While walking you notice a lot, a lot of variety. For example I love food and I noticed so many different food spots. I couldn’t try all of them but I did end up trying this one local pizza spot that was insanely good, 7.6/10 rating. But as I was saying in the city there is so much variety of restaurants, clothing stores, etc. Since Chicago is such a big city one there’s always something going on. There is always a conjunction of things going on, meaning there is more than just one crazy thing going down. While I was walking I could see many dogs running around and playing, I could also see people skateboarding at Grant park. There was always so much to watch and look at it was almost overwhelming in the best way. That is how those 3 words describe my walk.

