Everything a“Pier”ed to be closed

Kathleen Slifka
Walking Chicago
Published in
9 min readOct 10, 2016

I don’t know if anyone tells you this but, Navy Pier does not stay open late on Sunday’s.

Paint chip colors

The two pictures above are the paint chips that I chose during class. They helped guide my walk. I realized that these colors do not come up too naturally in nature. The only place I could think that would have bright and diverse colors such as these, was Navy Pier.

Red Bull Illume Photo Contest

When I got of the L, in a different spot than most would, I walked down Lake until I got to Millennium Park. It was quite cold and I wished I had worn a scarf with my outfit. As I crossed the street I noticed these television looking boxes all in rows on the grass. I was intrigued; I had to check it out. I read one of the signs as soon as you walk in to see that it is a Red Bull Photo Contest. Above are some of the photos that were entered.

One of the things I thought was interesting was that there was a Mobile Photo Contest. Some of the pictures I couldn’t believe were shot on a cell phone. They were so amazing. There were also people walking around handing out Red Bull.

Mobile Photo Contest

Above is a short video of what the set up was. You can also hear the music being played in the background. There were a good amount of people there and I loved getting to look at all the photos.

After I left the Red Bull Photo Contest, I made my way around to the Bean and the front of Millennium Park.

There are not as many people at the bean at night, especially on a Sunday. The girl above in the left and right picture has on a dress that matches my paint chip slightly. It is the dark red. Mine is only a little more orange than her dress, but it is close.

After leaving Millennium Park I start my journey down towards Navy Pier. It is a walk, but that’s the whole point right? I stop to see a boat in one of the play areas. It matches my red orange paint chip. I take a picture, trying to get the paint chip and boat in the picture.

I walk around the outside of the park and there on one of the buildings it says “We Unite Diverse Talent”. I’ve noticed they write stuff out on this building before. I don’t actually know what the building is but it looks like a hospital.

I walk along the Lake Front trail for awhile until I get to a bridge where I see a bunch of stickers on the bridge. There are cars whipping past and bikers yelling at me to move over. But I still pause to take my picture. One sticker I saw twice. I don’t know why it says CORN, or why there are stickers of it places, but it was still very interesting. Finding stickers all over the city on street signs and bridges is one of my favorite things to do. They’re all so interesting, especially ones that are torn or partially torn because there is a mystery to them.

From the bridge I can see the Ferris Wheel lit up, changing its designs every few seconds.

As I continue walking across the bridge I start to hear someone playing the Saxophone.

It sounded like an Alto Sax when I was walking up and when I saw him it was. It was a cold night and I felt for the man playing. He didn’t sound that bad either.

As I approach Navy Pier I see the sign. It is also the color of my paint chip. It matches nicely, especially in the second photo. I look to my left and see a giant P. I start to walk into the Museum and a man inside tells me they are closed. I walk back out and see that part of the glass is shattered where there is a no guns sign on it. I start to wonder if it is broken because of a gun shot or if it is just cracked for a different reason.

I walk passed Harry Caray’s Tavern and it looks empty. Not surprising for a Sunday night. I walk towards the Ferris Wheel and see that the color illuminating from underneath the stairs matched my paint chip a little. My paint chip is more blue, but this has been one of the closest colors I have seen. At this point the lights on the Ferris Wheel had been turned off except for a blue light that surrounded the cars of the Ferris Wheel.

I continue walking down the path of the pier and stop to admire the city from this angle. It looks beautiful. I also find a life preserver. Which makes sense, since I am on the lake.

I walk passed more of the boats that are docked on the edge of the pier and find one called WINDY. It is a pirate ship. It looked so cool and like an actual pirate ship. I would love to go on it and pretend to be a pirate.

I continue to walk around the edge and see a blue purple light coming from something up above. It reminds me of my paint chip, even though my paint chip is much lighter, it still gave me the thought of it.

I find another life preserver, this one says LIFE RING on it. It also gives the warning in big letters about what the fine is for taking it. There is a cup siting next to it. I stop to take another picture of the city, the sky illuminates the city as its backdrop.

At the very end of the pier there are flags all around. I pause to take a picture of them and observe. There is also an anchor at the edge in the middle. I do not have the picture on here because it is vertical and medium does not like vertical pictures.

I start to head my way back around the pier on the other side this time, to get the full effect. It is still quite cold but I have gotten used to it so it doesn’t feel as cold as it once was.

I walk passed a bus stop on my way back to the L. I thought about hopping on the bus and taking it to the stop but I just missed it. It wasn’t a big deal so I just kept walking. While I was walking I see a Veranda looking thing on my right. It looks very creepy, especially at night. I hope that there aren’t any clowns near.

As I am walking I spot a mural underneath one of the bridges. I have never seen this before and yet it looked familiar. I notice it is all the things about Chicago. It has the sports teams on it and a bunch of other stuff that helps to define Chicago.

I stop along my walk to find a statue of a man holding a dog. His name is Captain George Wellington Streeter. According to Wikipedia, from 1886 to 1921 Streeter spun lies, forged legal documents and used violence to wrestle 186 acres (0.75 km2) of Lake Michigan shoreline away from its rightful owners. Failing in his efforts to defraud the wealthy landowners, he then turned to robbing the poor by selling them land that he did not own. This prime real estate in Chicago is today nonetheless known as Streeterville.

This is where I ended my walk because soon after this I caught up with one of the buses and rode it back to the L stop on Grand heading back to Fullerton.

What is mappable? What is un-mappable?

There are multiple things that can be mappable and un-mappable. Everything can be categorized under being mappable or un-mappable. Things that are considered mappable would be roads. Roads are one of the main things that are the most mappable objects in the world. Roads are easily mappable because they are so obvious and so basic that they show the outlines of what is mappable. Something I consider to be un-mappable would be some of the spots that don’t show up on a map. Being un-mappable is something that can not be on a map. Somethings that I think about when I hear un-mappable are places that are secret. There’s a mystery to the places that are un-mappable. Un-mappable places are the places that can be found, but not easily, or can’t be found on a map. Maps are one of the great things that has been invented to help people find where they want to go.

