People Define the City

Adam Bean
Walking Chicago
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2016

Chicago is the third Largest city in the United States of America and the twenty fourth largest city in the world. It is the home of the original skyscraper and some of the best hot dogs on the planet. What makes Chicago special is the people who built it and the people that reside there now. The citizens of Chicago come from all different ethnic groups, religions, and social classes. Chicago is one of the most diverse places on earth.

Hidden within this maze of buildings are the people that make the city great. Being above the city, it is easy to focus on the towering buildings in the skyline of the windy city. The tall buildings stand above any human, but the buildings are the creations of the very people who live there. The citizens of Chicago dared to go higher. The winning attitude of the Chicago people after the Great Fire rebuilt the city better than it was before.

Rebuilding the city was not an easy task. The people of Chicago banded together and formed a brotherhood that is still prevalent in the community today. Not only did the city build out, they decided to build up. Chicago became one of the hottest scenes for architecture. So many different types of buildings can be seen in the city. New buildings like Willis Tower and Trump Tower, raised the previous skyline to new heights while older buildings such as the Monadnock building and the Home Insurance building provide a look at the original architecture of the city.

Chicago’s citizens provide the city with a one of a kind culture. Diversity is a major component of the Chicago community. The city is home to people of all different ethnicities and cultures. Some of the many different nationalities include: Irish, German, Greek, Korean, Puerto Rican, and Mexican. All these different cultures feed into one community, giving it a better understanding of the world. Although Chicago is home to so many different people, they all share one common trait, they are all hardworking. After the fire Chicago’s hard working rebuilt the city better than it was built before. Even today a homeless man would rather sell his art than take handouts from strangers.

The city’s storied history provides a view of what type of people call Chicago home. Overcoming such a tragedy shows the resilience of the city and its people. Chicago is home to some of the strongest, hardest working people in the world and the city has prospered because of the citizens. The city of Chicago is great solely because of the people that live there. The city doesn’t make the people the people make the city.

