Seeing the unexpected.

Nassima Amouri
Walking Chicago
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2016

My day started out at 5 AM, but I didn’t physically get out my bed until 6:45. I decided to take my dog out for a little mini walk around the block. During the walk about five cars stopped, but they didn’t stop for me, they stopped for my dog. I felt like I was his wing-man. Everyone that stopped asked me the same questions over and over again. What’s his name? “His name is prince” oh really, like the singer, why don’t you get him a purple collar? “Because that’s not the reason why we named him prince, I’ve had my dog long before the singer died”. How old is he? “9 months” oh my god, he’s huge! “I know, we give him steroids… I’m just kidding, male huskies grow pretty fast” ohh okay, bye prince! None of the people that came up to me talked to me, they just asked about my dog. I guess you can say he’s a little magnet that can stop cars.


Later on I took my mom to her citizenship ceremony. When we got to the place where the ceremony was being held I felt this rush of happiness. Everyone had someone there for them on their special day, whether it was their kids, grand kids, friends, relatives, and even neighbors. I was extremely proud of my mom for getting rid of an obstacle that was so big in her life. When the guy that handed out everyone’s certificate and finally said “congratulations everyone, you are now officially an American citizen”. It felt like hundreds of doors full of opportunities had opened for everyone that was in that room. Everyone wasn’t from the same place, but they were all celebrating the same reason.

Around 6:30–7:00 in the afternoon I had to go to my Chemistry lab class, while I was waiting for my mom to drop me off at the train station I watched the sunset and it was truly breathtaking. I ended my day with going to the Catholic Church by school. I’m not catholic but the first time I walked into that church I was speechless. Everything about it was just so beautiful, so I wanted to revisit it again. When I walked in there was a guy playing the piano and it sounded absolutely beautiful, there were also a couple of people in the front but I’m not really sure what they were doing.

They say that religion has no meaning, but its followers give it meaning. I’m always open to learning more about other religions, and that day I witnessed something different, something that I wasn’t expecting, but it was also something that don’t you see everyday.

