Sticking to Chicago

Kathleen Slifka
Walking Chicago
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2016

Chicago can be defined by the stickers that are placed on the everyday objects around the city. The stickers give the objects personality. Not only do the stickers have their own personality, they explain the person who put them there’s personality. Some stickers are ads for games, some are of animals and some are just words.

One of the stickers that is so influential is the one above. Pilsen is not for sale. They have these stickers placed around Pilsen since the plan is for big developers to sell the neighborhood. They are trying to change the neighborhood. Even though these stickers are small in comparison to the surrounding city, they make a big impact. The fact that these small stickers can make such an impact on the community shows how much the stickers effect Chicago and outside of it.

One of the things I want to do in this project is talk about how the stickers define the city of Chicago. The stickers are one of the most influential pieces of art throughout the city. They add to the area they are in, especially in the situation like Pilsen. Stickers are the most amazing aspects of street art.

  • In response to Malchik and Hollis, is walking a luxury, a privilege, a necessity, or a right, and why? What are the threats to walking? How does where you live influence how you live?

Walking to me is a luxury, privilege and a right. Walking is a luxury and a privilege because not every person has the ability to walk. It is a privilege because not everyone has the ability to walk around their neighborhood. Some neighborhoods are not as good as others for walking. They can not be as safe as others, so some people don’t want to walk on the streets because they may be unsafe. Walking is also a right because as humans we get to use the street for the way we want it. There are some threats when walking on the streets. Depending on the area, there may be certain places that are unsafe. There are the threats, depending on the time of day, of rape or sexual assault and robberies. Where I live in the school right now, I choose to walk like I own the street, not letting the fear of walking in the dark get to me. I like to walk more than I did before I came here. It helps me relax while also letting me do some exploration on my own.

