The adventures of the blue chipettes.

Nassima Amouri
Walking Chicago
Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2016

4:30 PM I started walking down Belden and Racine. The weather was nice and breezy, the wind made the leaves fall of the trees and it made everything look like it was out of a romantic movie. My two little blue chips lead me to Webster. I realized that there was so many families just walking down the street and enjoying the weather. As I was taking a picture of one of the blue chips I heard this lady yelling at her little daughter cause she was running and she didn’t want her to get hurt. She then said “never take a two year old out without a stroller.” I felt bad for her cause she had to chase her daughter everywhere, but the little girl gave me a sense of joy because she looked so happy. I continued my walk down Webster and I realized that there were a lot of little restaurants/bars that were really busy, I found that to be a little odd because it was still very early in the day for places like that to be that busy. I continued to follow the colors and they lead me to OZ Park. All I heard was little kids laughing and saying “higher, higher” on the swings. As I kept walking, I smelled something like cotton candy. There were so many restaurants around me that I couldn’t tell where the smell was coming from, plus I was broke so even if I found where that delicious smell was coming from, I wouldn’t have been able to get some. It started to get a little dark and cold so I decided to head back. On my way back I heard loud noises, it turns out to be construction. They were tearing down a building. I wondered what kind of building it was, so I did a little research and I found out that it was a children’s Memorial Hospital. They’re building a new one on Chicago and Van Der Roe Way, and they’re making two residential buildings where the old hospital was.

My walk was filled of laughter, joy, delicious smells of different kinds of food, loud construction noises, fall breezes, and so much more.

Emergency pole.
DIVY Bikes.

· What is a map? How is a map related to the world depicts? Why do we make maps?

If maps didn’t exist, no one would no where they’re going or how to go back to where they came from. Maps are an essential way of life, they help us travel from one place to another. A map is a way of tracing your footsteps, where you’re going to and how to go back to your initial point, it is a way of direction. In order for something to be mapable it needs to have focal points. In order for something to be un-mappable it needs to be a place that is constantly changing, it looks like something one day and something else the next. We make maps to comfort us. We humans don’t like to be lost, we need a sense of direction. Not knowing how to get to a place or how to go back home scares us, therefore we make maps.

