Unconditional Love

Jake Carr
Walking The Dog is Not Working Out
2 min readFeb 14, 2023

They say to understand who truly loves you, lock your wife and your dog in the trunk and see which one is happy to see you when you open it. I do not recommend trying this at home as in 9 out 10 cases it leads to divorce. Of course your dog is going to be happy to see you. There is no creature on the planet that exhibits unconditional love like your dog.

We like to use the phrase “ work like a dog” but maybe it should be changed to “love like a dog” Imagine how much better our lives would be is we could love each other unconditionally. If we could forget and forgive like dogs do and always be happy to see our children, our spouses, our parents our co-workers our friends. If we didn’t hold grudges, if we never stayed mad at someone too long, if we were able to quickly forgive and forget.

I am not saying you should get taken advantage of, or that you should let people use you or wrong you. But really look at how you love the important people in your life. What are the conditions you are putting on your love everyday. Even with the most important people in your life.

Do you love them the same everyday or does it vary depending on what happened yesterday, or the week before or 3 years ago? Is it really that important that it should keep you from loving someone unconditionally today? Tomorrow is not a guarantee for anyone, so if you let grudges and bygones get in the way of your love today, you may not have tomorrow to make up for it.

Try to love more like a dog. I can be gone for 3 days or for 3 hours and my dog is still just as genuinely excited to see me when I walk through the door.

What if we treated people that way. I mean, don’t go jumping on people a licking them as they walk through the door, but at minimum look up from the phone or computer or whatever screen you are staring at and acknowledge that someone is there. Ask about their day or their adventures and show interest in them.

Stop working like a dog and start loving like one.

Happy Valentines Day, please share this message with someone who needs to hear it today.



Jake Carr
Walking The Dog is Not Working Out

Jake is the owner of J7, Inc. — Father, Husband, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Coach, Marketing Guy, Member of Arete Syndicate - #75HARD — www.GOJ7.com