Working Like a Dog?

Jake Carr
Walking The Dog is Not Working Out
2 min readFeb 10, 2023

So lately I have been working like a dog. If you google it, working like a dog means to go the extra mile and work extremely hard. It comes from farm dogs, sled dogs and sheep dogs that perform grueling tasks and work from dusk until dawn everyday.

When my dog and I set out on a walk it is literally an attempt to get shit done. However before we can get it done my dog is distracted by every new smell, stops to bark at any person that might be walking by, and of course we have to chase after every squirrel that dares come into his personal space.

When I say I work like a dog I really mean, I set out to get shit done and then proceed to get distracted by every e-mail and social media notification. I get interrupted by people stopping by or calling on the phone and I have even caught myself looking out the window at an occasional squirrel. (What would I do if I actually caught that squirrel?)

There are so many amazing books and systems that can help you be more productive. Some of you already have amazing habits and systems that work and if you are willing to share please let us know in the comments.

Here is a solution that has helped me take time out and actually complete these blog posts.

Set a timer and completely focus on a task for 7 minutes. Maybe you need to pay bills, or do an expense report or write an essay. It is amazing what you can accomplish in 7 minutes if you have 0 distractions.

Once you get comfortable with 7 minutes, block out 15 minutes, then 30 and start to build up a plan and new habit / skill of focusing on tasks with 0 distractions.

If you want to know the source of this concept please read Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Stop working like a dog, period. If you can control distractions and focus on blocks of time without interruption you won’t have to work from dusk until dawn to get everything accomplished.

Please share this message with someone who needs to hear it.



Jake Carr
Walking The Dog is Not Working Out

Jake is the owner of J7, Inc. — Father, Husband, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Coach, Marketing Guy, Member of Arete Syndicate - #75HARD —