10 Powerful Quotes That Will Get You Thinking About Waking Up


Have you ever had a conversation with someone that woke you up?
A conversation that changed the way you thought about something so much so that your entire perception changed?

Just recently I had that type of conversation.

A colleague of mine and I were talking about quantum physics, energy, and other things related. These are topics I’ve explored over the years in various forms and fashion so it wasn’t the actual topic that woke me up. What woke me up was his own passion and conviction, which was infused into the information he was sharing with me.

And in hindsight, it was what I needed to hear and at a time when I needed to hear it.

While I consider myself to be a pretty self-aware person, what I realize is that I’ve fallen asleep in my own little world of small and safe. It’s time to wake up and as a result here’s what floated to the top of my sleepy consciousness the day after my conversation.

(An excerpt taken from my journal.)

We truly do shape our reality with our perceptions and the stories we have been telling ourselves for far too long.

I have always known that everything is energy and that like energy attracts like energy; yesterday’s conversation helped me to really “get it” on a deeper level. It wasn’t that I had not heard similar before, but the way in which it was shared, it just clicked. We have been our own oppressors. We have always been the ones in control of whether we move forward in life or stay safe in the bosom of complacency.

It is true what my colleague said about the brain. The brain does not decide things… we do. We need to be guided more by our internal GPS systems and less by the “nattering” in our brains and the external factors that know little to nothing about what is best for our highest good and ultimately the highest good of all.We’ve gotten bogged down in the minutiae of keeping up with appearances. The controlling mechanism that is feeding the monster that we’ve created. We have done so at the cost of our own consciousness and well-being.

We haven’t ever really needed to chase our dreams. They’ve always been available to us and in accordance with Divine timing. Our jobs have always been to stay open and consciously awake in order to see the pieces of our dreams as they present themselves so we can put those pieces together. Working hard and struggling to survive are just the side effects that have been born from that need to be in constant control. For that control equates to safety within the constructs of working hard and struggling. “You won’t be safe if you don’t control your outcome and if you don’t work hard to survive.”

I call BULLSHIT!!!!

Our job is, as it has always been, to stay open-hearted, connected to Source, and awake. To strip ourselves of the need to control and be controlled. Period.

That conversation, in conjunction with that journal entry lit a fire in my belly. A fire to wake up, to be conscious and aware of how my thoughts impact my own reality and what I manifest. BUT it did something else, it made me realize how many of us are being held hostage by our own thoughts to the point of surviving. And honestly, that’s not OK…we were not put on this planet to just survive.

We were put on this planet to thrive and to love what we do, who we are, the life we create…and all by changing our own perceptions, re-writing our own stories.

So with that said, I’d like to share some powerful quotes with you about thoughts, perceptions and energy. It is my hope dear friends that you not only find inspiration, but that they help to create awareness around your own thoughts and the impact they have on your reality….and whether you decide to wake up or stay asleep.

Feel free to take any of them with you by right clicking on them and hitting “Save”. Oh, and sharing is always permitted and encouraged.

Until next time, I wish you all amazing awakened moments and I send you all sorts of love and light from my open-heart to yours.


Originally published at www.whatswithinu.com.



Pam Aks, M.S., PCC, RMT 🧠 Mindset Coach 🧠
Walking The Walk

Supporting leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches create #unstoppable confidence to take bolder actions.