18 Powerful Things That Will Make 2018 BIG


Happy 2018!!Welcome to a brand new year!! Wooooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!

I’m so ready for 2018. Not that 2017 didn’t bring with it some cool highlights. It did…but I’m not going to lie, I’m ready to move on to the BIG that 2018 has in store.

To fill you in (because it feels like forever since we’ve connected)…

Prior to getting caught up in the buzz of holidays I shared the following with my newsletter subscribers and connections on Facebook.

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At the start of a brand new year many of us come up with our list of resolutions. With pen poised we write down the things we want to see happen.

We commit to that list with a gusto and a belief that this year’s resolutions will stick. That we will make those changes and do those things.

We convince ourselves that this will be the year that our resolutions are going to go from paper to reality.

And then for most of us they don’t.

Truth be told, mine usually get stuck in a drawer somewhere or in a journal never to see the light of day again.

If this sounds familiar then I’d like to invite you to join me in doing something different. Are you game?

If so, then I’ve got a question for you…
How do you want 2018 to feel?

Once you have the word or words that represent how you want 2018 to feel post it(them) in places you will see it(them) and let it(them) be your reminder to do the things that make you feel that way.
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Yep, you guessed it…I want 2018 to feel BIG. Not to be confused with “too big for my britches” or anything connected to ego. Just expansive and bold.

I’m tired of playing small. It’s time for a change and I’m ready. So in honor of a BIG feeling 2018 I’ve come up with 18 things that are going to help bring out that big and bold.

I don’t plan on doing all 18 every day. I want to avoid overwhelm or worse…the 18 getting shoved somewhere never to be seen again (like my past resolutions). Instead I’m going to treat this list as a menu that I can choose from depending on my intention for the day and what I’m “craving”.


  1. Slow and steady. Yep, just like the saying, “Slow and steady wins the race.” I’m going to work on taking things slow…as opposed to rushing to get something done so I can move on to the next something. That way I won’t miss out on whatever I’m meant to learn and/or enjoy!
  2. Let go. This one is my nemesis, because I have a tendency to ruminate. To let go, I’ll be practicing forgiveness more. Reminding myself that forgiveness does not mean condoning; it’s just a way to release myself from any pain, anger, or resentment. Remembering too that shit happens, so it’s best to learn from that shit rather then ruminate over it.
  3. Fly. Which is going to require me to spread my wings and put myself out there a bit more. Take chances. Don’t overthink, but instead do. For example, more Facebook Lives or doing some webinars.
  4. Trust. Yep, instead of worrying how something will get done, I’ll trust that it will. I will continue to trust in my gut instincts and most definitely in my own Spiritual Team.
  5. Feel. I’m going to be using my feelings more to engage not only that BIG feeling but to ensure that I’m doing things that feel good to me.
  6. Authenticity and transparency for the win. This one is important, because I can’t expect my clients, my friends, or my students to be authentic and transparent with me if I’m not doing the same.
  7. Neutral observing. I’m going to continue to practice looking at things through the lens of curiosity in all areas of my world… just like I do with my clients. No judgment. No labeling. Just noticing so that I leave myself open to more opportunities.
  8. Not taking things personally. Since I’ve got absolutely no control over what others think, I’m going to work on not taking things personally. Another person’s reaction or response is not mine to own.
  9. Connect to the tick. This one is a no-brainer for me, but it’s critical to 2018 feeling BIG!
  10. Impactful words… be aware of what I’m saying especially when it comes to the things I say to myself.
  11. Investing my energy wisely. Since I only have so much energy each day, I’m going to be choosing where I expend it so as to avoid burn out.
  12. Beautiful boundaries. And to help me to invest my energy wisely I’ll be setting some better boundaries. Which means being very clear on what I will and won’t “tolerate”.
  13. Honoring my personal value by treating it and me with respect.
  14. Be a human being not just a human doing which equates to even more self-care activities this year.
  15. Making room for cool connections. This is very similar to boundaries, and I will for sure be protecting myself from energy vampires more this year.
  16. Tune-out the naysayers by remembering that I’m the only one who is an expert in my life.
  17. Appreciate. I will continue to appreciate all that I have, all that I am, and all that surrounds me. Connecting with appreciation definitely supports a feeling of BIG!
  18. Saying “yes” more to me, which will mean saying “no” to the things that I really don’t want to do.


So my friend I ask you, how do you want 2018 to feel? If you already know (or once you know), I invite you to make your own menu of 18 things you can choose from that will support that feeling!

And if you find yourself struggling with either how you want 2018 to feel or the 18 things, reach out. I’m here and I’m happy to help.

Until next time, I’m sending you much love and light from my open heart to yours. Here’s to an amazing feeling 2018!!

Originally published at www.whatswithinu.com.



Pam Aks, M.S., PCC, RMT 🧠 Mindset Coach 🧠
Walking The Walk

Supporting leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches create #unstoppable confidence to take bolder actions.