5 Top Tips To Attract Clients As A New Coach


You’ve spent tons of hours and a pretty penny in gaining the experience needed to become a competent coach. You’ve trained. You’ve practiced and you’re excited to get your coaching out into the world.

Then the worry enters the scene. The worry of building a practice and how to gain clients.

Sound familiar?

There are two questions that I get a lot as a mentor coach and faculty leader at a coach training school…

How do I get clients?

What is the best practice for building a successful coaching business?

Being in practice for over a decade there are some things I’ve learned along the way. Things that have helped me to build a thriving and successful practice of my own.


TIP 1: Leverage excitement for what you do!

Have you ever seen the movie “When Harry Met Sally”? There’s a particular scene in that movie that is the perfect example. Take a look.

At the end of that scene the woman at the table across from Harry and Sally says, “I’ll have what she’s having.” Why?

Because excitement is an attractor. People want it.

If you’re excited about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it others will be too!

TIP 2: Create a newsletter and begin attracting subscribers.

Unlike social media followers, newsletter subscribers are a dedicated audience and are not impacted by a change in a social media tool’s algorithm. Plus, as you develop a rapport with your subscribers the more apt they’ll be to engage in the services you offer.

I personally love using Interact to help build my subscriber list. I use it to create quizzes, polls and giveaways. What I love about this tool…

  1. It’s VERY easy to use.
  2. Based on a participant’s results I can direct them to the appropriate page or resource on my site. No digging necessary! How cool and helpful is that?!
  3. It’s a great way to share free reports that showcase some of my work. That way participants experience it before investing their valuable time, energy and financial resources.

TIP 3: I had to learn this one the hard way….not to focus on the money. I know, I know, easier said then done when there are bills to pay and mouths to feed. But here’s the thing… when I focused on how much I needed to make and where it was going to come from, I became desperate and that’s the energy I was putting out. Desperate energy is a repellant. And guess what? My phone didn’t ring. People weren’t interested in finding out more about my services. Can’t say I blame them. However, when I remembered TIP 1 and reconnected with why I got into coaching in the first place, not only did my energy shift, but so did the interest in my offerings.

TIP 4: Walk your walk and share it. One of my mentor’s once said to me, “Pam, people don’t give a sh*t about the letters behind your name. People give a sh*t about the fires you have walked through that will help them to walk through their own.”

She was right. The more transparent I’ve become and the more committed I am about doing my own personal development work, the more I attract my ideal clients.

TIP 5: Own your value! I tell mentees this all the time…just because you may be a new coach, don’t ever underestimate the value you bring to your coaching and the people you work with. For example, you bring your heart, your intellectual property, your life experience and so much more. If you don’t own that and how priceless that is, no one else will either.

BONUS TIP: Don’t be afraid to ask for help! And that means asking for referrals from friends, colleagues, current clients, social media followers. Work with a mentor coach that can support you in getting yourself out there in fun, authentic ways. Join a mastermind group of like-minded people with similar goals. Just know that you don’t have to go this alone.

Enjoy the journey of building your practice! I wish you the utmost in success!!



Pam Aks, M.S., PCC, RMT 🧠 Mindset Coach 🧠
Walking The Walk

Supporting leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches create #unstoppable confidence to take bolder actions.