Naysayers; They’re Always Going To Nay

A personal note to my own naysayers


Photo by Frank McKenna,

​“Is it noisy out there, and for some reason, people want to see you fail, but that’s not your problem. That is their problem.”
– Sandra Bullock

That quote is from a video that I recently watched. As I was watching it a feeling of, “You can’t hold me back. I’ll show you” determination hit me like a wave. Followed by two questions…

If the naysayers want us to fail and it’s their problem that they do, why do we listen? What causes us to give what they say an ounce of credibility?


I’ve had my share of naysayers, particularly the naysayers that reside in my head, which are probably the loudest of all.

I give them credibility when I don’t have faith in my own abilities.
I believe all that they say when I lack trust in myself.
I listen to their negativity and buy into it hook line and sinker when I’m afraid.
I conform to their critiques of me in order to fit in when I feel alone.

And while their naysaying may be their problem I make it mine any time I take it in and take it to heart. I make it my problem any time I allow it to hold me back or twist and contort me into someone I’m not.

I’ve listened until I can’t listen any more. I’m tired of listening and allowing their naysaying to become my problem so I’ve decided to share this little message with all my naysayers…

To anyone who has ever doubted me, thought I wasn’t capable, or criticized me for any reason… I want to say “Thank you!” Yes, you read that right; I want to thank you for your naysaying. It’s serving as my guidance system, letting me know that what I’ve done and what I’m doing is the right thing for me.

You can continue to nay all you want. That’s your problem, not mine. Just please note that I will no longer take your naying into consideration. It will no longer hold power or credibility. As Brene’ Brown best said, “If you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.”

I will continue to do what I feel is best and for the greater good. I will continue to live from a place of love, joy, light and compassion. And if you don’t like it, then I say this with all the love in my heart, please do yourself (and me) a favor, find somewhere else to “nay”…. because I’m done listening.

But before I sign off here’s something, my dear naysayers that you can listen to…it’s my new anthem and declaration.

​Rise by Katy Perry

​I will continue to rise so just watch me! Love, Pam

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If you have a message for your naysayers please take this time and this space to share it. You deserve to be heard, especially by your naysayers.

At the end of the day, the best way to counteract the naysayers is to find what brings us joy and to live from that joy as often as possible. Care to join me?

Until next time, my friends…I’m sending you much love and light from my open-heart to yours…

Originally published at



Pam Aks, M.S., PCC, RMT 🧠 Mindset Coach 🧠
Walking The Walk

Supporting leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches create #unstoppable confidence to take bolder actions.