WallStreetNinja and StackOS Explore Unstoppable DeFi on the Sharing Decentralized Cloud

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4 min readJul 7, 2021

Web 3 promises to deliver the unstoppable open computing experience — one open internet environment where software is developed and runs directly on the Internet, and applications can seamlessly interact without walled-off servers or cloud services. In this permissionless global computing platform, third parties no longer control your internet services, data, or APIs. Nor can they silo your software system with proprietary tools. An unparalleled level of interoperability is made possible.

This is the unbounded computing space that the WallStreetNinja Unstoppable Finance Suite was reimagined for. Here, where Web 3 seamlessly connects multi chains and dApps, the possibilities of cross-chain and composable DeFi products become boundless. Via one sign on to frictionless unstoppable DeFi through the WSN dApp, users can flexibly interact at internet speed on Web 3.

This next world on Web 3 sounds heavenly. But since you will no longer be dealing with proprietary software application systems or cloud fiefdoms, where do you find the on-ramp to the open computing platform?

We at WallStreetNinja foresee providing a number of flexible options for accessing our Unstoppable Finance Suite. One of those ways will be through decentralized cloud services. In support of this, we are pleased to announce our collaboration with StackOS to explore the opportunities and possibilities for unstoppable DeFi on the StackOS unstoppable infrastructure protocol for open cross-chain computing.

What is StackOS?

StackOS is an infrastructure protocol that allows individuals and organizations to share computing resources on a collectively managed decentralized cloud. Any developer can deploy a full-stack application and run any decentralized app, as well as blockchain privatenets and mainnet nodes.

Users can quickly and anonymously build on “The Unstoppable Infrastructure Protocol.” Users participate in the StackOS platform by staking the STACK token. Devs reserve resources on StackOS, users access apps in the Marketplace, and node operators run nodes by staking STACK, which also gives the holders a share in the governance rights of the DAO. For specific application usage, tokens are staked to the respective application pools.

People-powered DeFi on StackOS

StackOS turns the cloud model upside down by offering a decentralized cloud service that is collectively operated by and rewards its users. The traditional cloud players are not fighting for naught. In 2020, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud controlled over 50 percent of $130 billion in cloud spending by businesses. In place of cloud wars, both WallStreetNinja and StackOS are committed to the ethos of a people-powered blockchain that shares the revenues with the users.

StackOS fulfills this mandate by sharing the revenue with the individuals who use and support the unstoppable infrastructure.

As more users use StackOS and the value of the network grows, everyone in the network profits. Likewise, the benefits of network effects are no longer bounded by third-party systems which are open, larger, and shared.

StackOS Advantages

StackOS removes barriers to doing business on the cloud.

One-Click Developer Deployment
Developers can wait up to two weeks to have their applications deployed on leading cloud services. Security and integration experts are often required. On StackOS, applications are deployed within minutes. Before mainnet launch, devs can run private testnets for their dApps with access to multiple blockchain protocols.

One-Click User Deployment
Users can access the dApps of their choice from the Marketplace with one-click deployment.

Low-Cost Decentralized Cloud
The decentralized cloud computing model is both cheaper and delivers more powerful network effects. Users are no longer gouged by third-party permissioned systems and fees.

As holders of the STACK token, developers and users of apps, and node providers are incentivized through staking and token appreciation when they participate in the network. Additionally, they have voting rights in the DAO over proposals concerning incentives and fees. And as the network grows, economies of scale kick in, lowering the costs for all users.

Cut DevOps Cost
Maintaining the infrastructure and doing it well costs middle to large size companies hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars a year. When an application is deployed on StackOS the infrastructure is automatically being maintained, significantly cutting the budget spent on DevOps which can be spent elsewhere.

Those deploying and using dApps are assured complete anonymity.

Fail-Safe and Unstoppable
Distributed node networks are designed to be fail-safe. If a node provider in the network fails, the application will failover to another instance in real-time.

No matter whether users access the WallStreetNinja Finance Suite by decentralized cloud service, Internet Computer, or other means, frictionless access to WSN is ensured through the WSN dApp’s user-friendly interface. Once signed in, users will be able to deploy their favorite DeFi services running on StackOS in one click.

We are excited about working with the StackOS team to explore the infinite possibilities of the unstoppable DeFi suite on their unstoppable infrastructure.

About WallStreetNinja

WallStreetNinja Suite (WSNS) is a decentralized financial solution that provides users simplified access to the DeFi ecosystem chain of their choice from a single screen. WSNS is taking the DeFi sector to the next level through decentralized computing and blockchain relays via The Internet Computer and Pocket Network.

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Unlimited Decentralized Ecosystem access through one platform that Unites them all. WallStreetNinja, The Unstoppable Ecosystem.