WallStreetNinja Ecosystem Expansion and Token Use Case evolution

Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2021

The initial ideation and prototyping of WallStreetNinja (aka WSN) was primarily focused around Decentralized Finance (DeFi), however once we completed the development of the MVP months later, we noticed a rapid expansion and adoption occurring in the decentralized ecosystems. Consequently, this presented the question.

“Why are we only catering to DeFi when the ecosystem has so much more to offer?”

Common sense dictated we not only apply our Unstoppable Technology to DeFi, but a wide range of decentralized offerings such as NFTs, Gaming, Metaverse and Meme-based digital assets. Furthermore, why stop there, when more and more use cases will start popping up. Consequently we began seeking solutions to make this a reality.

As part of our research we conducted an analysis of connectivity technologies that would allow WallStreetNinja to interact with web3 applications. The industry standard has been WalletConnect for some time. As was our timing, WalletConnect recently launched v2 of their product, which made it worlds simpler for integration and extended support of networks. Therefore, we made the decision to integrate WalletConnect v2 into our technology stack.

With this connectivity extension into a much wider decentralized ecosystem, WallStreetNinja will now become the leader in providing users Unstoppable Ecosystem infrastructure.

But… something important occurred at this time in the evolution of the $WSN token use case. Initially the token was intended to be used by the end user to access WSN, essentially a pay-to-use model.

The token use case focus has now shifted towards a project pay-to-use model, whereby there is no cost to the user to access the ecosystem, rather it’s about a decentralized application paying to access the WallStreetNinja Ecosystem infrastructure. This token model has been successfully implemented by TrustWallet in the whitelisting process for projects to list their tokens and dapps in TrustWallet. The point being, it’s a “known-to-work” token model.

It makes complete sense though. Even WallStreetNinja has bills to pay, for instance we pay for decentralized computing with STACK and ICP tokens. Relays are paid with POKT and ENS is paid with ETH. As you can see, it is the WallStreetNinja project that is paying these other projects and/or infrastructure providers. Once again a “known-to-work” model.

In conclusion, WallStreetNinja has evolved into an Ecosystem rather than simply a Finance Suite. The decentralized world is now the $WSN token holders oyster.

About WallStreetNinja

WallStreetNinja (WSN) provides users simplified access to a decentralized ecosystem’s chain of their choice from a single web app. WSN is taking the self custody wallet segment to the next level through decentralized computing and blockchain relays.

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Unlimited Decentralized Ecosystem access through one platform that Unites them all. WallStreetNinja, The Unstoppable Ecosystem.