Crypto Lingo: Airdrops

Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2018

Let’s preface this blog post with a comic.

I’ve heard of “killing them with kindness” but this is insane

So Uh What’s An Airdrop?

If you’ve been playing a lot of Battle Royale games lately like Player Unkown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite: Battle Royale you might have a broad idea as to what an airdrop is. Usually it means obtaining useful supplies that have been dropped from the sky. It’s all very self-explanatory, but the question remains: What does an airdrop mean then in the context of crpyto? Let’s find out shall we?

I think I’d do pretty well in a Battle Royale just FYI

The Crypto Context

An Airdrop is when a cryptocurrency company or a blockchain based enterprise donates crypto tokens to aspiring users often for the low low price of FREE. Now you might be asking yourself “Gee willikers! That sure is awful keen of them to do such a charitable act, but what’s in it for them?”. First of all, gee willikers? Keen? Really, what era are you from?

“I’m from the swingin’ 60’s where all boys were keen af”

Secondly these crypto companies tend to gain a lot of publicity and it helps to promote their cryptocurrency ventures. Essentially it’s beneficial to both parties involved and therefore it’s a real win-win situation. That’s like the best sort of situation really. So to really get the buzz going for any aspiring blockchain startups Airdrops are the way to go! Not only will more people want to get in on your growing crypto project, but you also get the attention of major organizations. Of course not all airdrops can be free as it really depends on the company involved as well as the circumstances involving the exchange.

What Else Can Airdrops Accomplish?

It’s very much apparent that Airdrops can be a fantastic way to promote any budding blockchain companies and new forms of cryptocurrency. But they aren’t limited to simply being free advertising, no sir. Airdrops can in fact act as incentives for users to fill in online forms/surveys which aid in better understanding the user base and allow the companies handing out these surveys to adjust their marketing strategy thusly. Airdrops can also simply be used as rewards for loyal users/customers building goodwill between the two parties. This can help to entice concurrent users to continue buying/utilizing their services as well as draw in new users via word of mouth. They’re essentially like the nice warm hugs of the crypto world: a tender and helpful act that aids in bringing people together.

And everybody needs a hug from time to time :)

So Yeah Airdrops sound super neat, but how exactly do I get in on some?

I’m glad you asked. It’s extremely easy! Simply follow the steps below and it’s you’ll be on your way. You should also check out Airdrop Alert for and never miss a free crypto airdrop ever again. I hoped you’ve learned a lot. There’s always so much more to learn in the world of crypto so feel free to look up and research more. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

Yeah I’m bringing back Nyan Cat. What of it? He was an early internet feline icon! You gotta respect the cat!

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