Introducing WallMag: Your Wallpaper Magazine

Ajeet Meena
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2018
Follow what you do #WallMag

Why our news feed need a change?

Newsfeed of big companies is made up of behavior model. These behavior systems have no relations with one’s knowledge and empowerment. Which is one of the main reason your feeds these days consist of crime and negative news.

These systems are automatically inclining towards negative thoughts (As we humans are more inclined towards negative). Not just this! Users are divided into cheep and costly users so as there news. Day by day these feed making us numb and afraid of the outside world.

What WallMag is doing?

At heart, we are an another RSS Reader but the news we offer makes us different (Which will make you different). Bringing out the best of the Internet is no easy job. We do it with these four steps:

1) Follow what you love: We believe everyone has a different taste and choices. That’s why we let our user follow Topics, Publisher, People, Places and more.

Let’s consider my case. I am a part-time musician and an entrepreneur both and I love to read science news. This is how my interest screen looks like.

My Interests

As you can see I follow these topics: Arts and Music, Finance, Science and Technology. I follow these people: Elon Musk, John Legend and I love Tesla ❤.

2) All you love in one place: With cover stories we let our user read all the news like GIFs, world news, startups and technology in one single place. One can use different tabs for reading different news as you can see in the picture below.

3) Deep diving in content: Suppose you are reading a news about a band name Nirvana. You found the artist “Kurt Cobain” of that news interesting. You would like to read more about him. We show all the mentions, related article and related people for that reason in one single place so you don’t have to leave the app ever.

Mentions and Related Article on a Kurt Cobain News

4) Filtering unwanted content: We filter news which are spams, advertisement and which put a negative impact on our users. We are working very hard on understanding what news make you inspire and empower.

WallMag (Wallpaper Magazine)

We saw wallpaper before as most underutilized admired space. We thought why this space can’t turn into information adventure in today era where photos are the most core part of any news? Why can’t we turn wallpapers into a piece of information?
With WallMag we are unlocking a whole new level of interaction with your device. To simply discover a new content one can double tap on the wallpaper or can swipe up to explore the story behind it. Check out the video below how it looks like ;)

A preview of WallMag

With strong content and interactions on wallpaper we are changing history of content discovery forever. ;)

What next?

We will continue to grow on machine learning and AI. In future, we want WallMag as a single place for all the content needs. Either its Youtube, Facebook pages, Twitter tweets. We want all this in one place.

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