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Five Questions with Ganesh Krishnan


At Walmart Global Tech, we want to know what makes our Leadership team tick. What drives them? What lessons have been important in their careers? In this installment I sat down with Ganesh Krishnan, the VP of Engineering, Item & Supplier, to find out.

1. What separates a manager from a leader?

I agree with the classic saying: managers are about getting things done right, and leaders are about doing the right thing.

2. What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned in your career thus far?

The importance of feedback from others.

3. If you could go back to your 20-year-old self and give one piece of advice, what would you say?

I was really focused on technology then, so I’d say to give more attention to softer skills. I’d place more emphasis on ownership and how to think through ownership. It’s a whole mindset, and it’s important.

4. What sets Walmart apart from other companies you’ve worked at?

The people, absolutely. We have really good people — friendly, committed to the company, smart. A good set of folks.

5. If you could have one super power what would it be, and why?

Since I can’t actually have a super power, I just want to always do my best.

