Announcing our Investment In Swash: Re-Imagining Data Ownership on Web3.0

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3 min readOct 11, 2021

Swash’s mission is to create a fair data economy by giving profits back to people. Members receive passive income generated from their data that, without Swash, is already being shared for free.

About the Project

In recent years, data has become the new oil; an immensely valuable asset that is being used to solve huge problems, to tailor content, target advertising and more. While the usage of data makes our online experiences more engaging, there exists an entire data economy that most day-to-day internet browsers never encounter. In this economy, data collectors and sellers exchange profits on assets obtained from millions of people daily; most of whom never receive a share of said profits. Swash aims to change exactly this.

The Swash team has developed their own browser application — available for all major web browsers — for members to earn passive income from their data that is already being shared. Beyond the Swash app, the team is expanding the Swash ecosystem to revolutionize the data economy as we know it. Swash steps in and securely captures, bundles and sells non-sensitive data; when the data is bought, the profits are then shared among Swash members. As more data is collected, its value increases, meaning the Swash community earns more as it continues to grow.

Swash’s ecosystem consists of four main components:

  • Data Union: Swash’s technology creates a mechanism to fairly distribute earnings collected from the sale of data — earnings that would otherwise never go to the original data owner.
  • sIntelligence: A web-based business intelligence platform giving companies a competitive advantage through information about their industry and market competition.
  • sApps: Bringing developers into the Swash ecosystem through Swash applications.
  • sCompute: A way for data scientists to perform computations on Swash data without needing to purchase it.


Users earn passive income in the form of $SWASH tokens. $SWASH has the following main use cases:

  • Incentivization: Members will be rewarded with $SWASH for participating in the ecosystem. As demand increases, Swash plans to burn tokens to balance the supply.
  • Transactions: All data transactions — including value generated in sIntelligence, sCompute, and sApps — will be distributed in $SWASH.
  • Multiplication: Swash earnings can be redeemed in and outside of the Swash ecosystem. Members can redeem earnings for products, contribute to social development causes, or stake liquidity.
  • Governance: Token holders can vote for projects set to receive Swash DAO funding, new roadmap developments, and other token-related decisions.

Behind our Investment

“WWVentures seeks to partner with projects that are revolutionizing the web as we currently know it. Swash, through their innovative platform, is writing the future of data ownership and returning the true value of data back to its rightful owners. In a decentralized, modern Web3.0 world, data is the key to everything. Swash has already begun their journey to democratize data and we believe in their long-term success going forward.”

— Adam Haklili, WWVentures Founding Partner

With their existing product used by over 60,000 members and growing, the people have spoken: data ownership and unionization is here to stay. You can try Swash yourself by signing up and installing the browser extension here.

Join the Swash mailing list to get prioritized for whitelisting and for exclusive updates and announcements ahead of their IDO later this month.

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DISCLAIMER: Content in this article does not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrencies are volatile assets. Always do your own research and invest at your own risk.

