Keeping It Cool During Tax Season: A Glimpse into Our Tech Team’s Journey

Ben Chevallereau
Waltio Tech Team
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2024

Hey there!

We thought we could keep up with our monthly blog posts, even during the chaotic tax season. But, oops, we missed our deadline! 😅 When we brainstormed as a team, we came up with some cool topics. One that stood out was “Tax Season in Waltio: What does it look like?” Sounds like a good idea, right? So, let’s dive into that.

First, let’s reintroduce our technical dream team. We’re a tight-knit group of five: a backend engineer and an apprentice, a frontend engineer and an apprentice, and me, your friendly neighborhood CTO. We might not be a huge team, but we sure pack a punch!

During the off-season, we accomplished a ton on what we call “Waltio v3,” revamping key modules in our app, including the frontend, the API Sync module, and the payment module (not listing everything to do not be boring but we focused as well on Scams, DeFi, Lending & Borrowing, Swaps…). But come high season, it’s all hands on deck to support our customers and gear up for new, exciting features (more on that later!).

So, what’s been going on?

Frontend Fun

Our frontend folks worked their magic on the new version, but we knew there would be some bugs to squash post-launch on February 1, 2024. The initial release didn’t cover everything we had planned, so the team focused on fixing bugs, finishing features, and optimizing user experience. To give you an idea of the scale, over 28,000 users created accounts last year — talk about a challenge!

Here’s something you might not know. Our awesome frontend team developed a special tool just for our customer care team to make their investigations a breeze. Sometimes digging into issues can be tricky, so we crafted this tool to ensure they can work as efficiently as possible.

Backend Adventures

Now, onto the backend. It might not sound glamorous, but our efforts are split between fixing bugs and handling data capture. In May alone, we tackled over 300 bug fixes! You might wonder, “Are those developers that bad?” Not really. 😇 Our main mission is capturing user data via API or file uploads, and let me tell you, those files can be a moving target with constant changes. Supporting new header files is a daily grind (but we are cooking something…)! APIs are a bit more stable, but we still face the challenge of dealing with updates, often with sparse documentation and less-than-ideal optimization. I could go on, but I’d probably end up writing a whole book on it.

As a numbers geek, here’s a stat for you: since February 1, 2024, we resolved 1,213 tickets and pushed 79 releases. I’m super proud of my team for these achievements. To throw in a few more numbers, our customers added over 75,000 APIs and 25,000 files to our platform in the last year. It’s a massive challenge, but we love it!

Beyond the Tech

I’ve focused a lot on the tech team, but let’s not forget our amazing Customer Care team, who are always ready to help with any questions. Our product team is constantly seeking ways to enhance your experience, too. But these guys are clearly keeping my team busy!

What’s Next?

We’re wrapping up the Belgian and Spanish tax seasons, and we’re already working on some exciting new modules. I can’t spill the beans just yet, but I promise it’ll be worth the wait!

A big shoutout to my team (Anthony Galea, Daniel Adam, Thomas Peltre and Elodie Alvarado), all our colleagues who work tirelessly to provide the best service, and of course, our fantastic customers who keep pushing us to create the best platform for your needs!

Keep an eye out for more updates!

And because I’m back to my “Queen” period:

Who are the champions?



Ben Chevallereau
Waltio Tech Team

Co-Founder/CTO of Waltio, innovating crypto tax solutions in Europe. Expert in digital asset management and taxation.