Web 3 and the Future of Gaming

WAM.app | Official Blog
3 min readSep 19, 2022

There’s been a lot of chatter lately about how the Web 3 revolution is doomed and we’re all screwed. The “death” of web3 games has been greatly exaggerated AND builders know that all new platforms go through ups & downs. It takes a few tries for devs to learn to build with new primitives, and it takes a few tries for users to learn how to use them too. Once the ecosystem settles down and players can find value in using blockchain-based games and #DApps, then things will pick up again quickly. Long story short, I’m confident about the potential #Web3 has to enrich human life, consequently new types of play in the long term.

One important thing to take note of is the fact that we can’t rush the product cycle — it’ll take time and a few attempts to get there. For example, PokemonGoApp it’s a game that was built around smartphone features like GPS & camera. Its predecessor, Ingress, didn’t launch until 5 years after the initial release of the iPhone (2007)! So even though we cannot foresee innovation in the gameplay, things will definitely change once technological innovation enters the room and enables us to build on it.

I believe there will be many opportunities to extend existing game genres with NFTs and open economies in the near future. We are already seeing a lot of experimentation with the format, but I think we will see more and more games that blend digital collectibles and blockchain technology to create new ways to play. Many of the most successful early mobile franchises like Candy Crush Saga and Hay Day were refinements of existing Facebook / Flash games. This means there is a huge opportunity to improve upon existing genres and expand their reach into new markets.

We need an ecosystem where projects can be built on top of each other because there’s so much latent potential in open economies. In the past, the “next big game” often rose from player mods like League of Legends or PUBG. This is turbocharged when creators can leverage each other’s assets freely, with ownership & financial rewards guaranteed by code.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of games lately. It’s a topic that fascinates me because I believe we’re on the cusp of very exciting things happening in this space. Web3 is is challenging and not everyone will make it but, at the same time it presents huge opportunities for creators and consumers alike.

I’m very optimistic about this, although realistic in the sense that I know that progress it’s not linear, it ALWAYS has ups and downs. There will always be opportunities for success, and builders who persevere will find new ways to play, socialise, and work.

Btw, Web3 ≠ Crypto coins. It’s a new way of thinking about users, businesses, ownership, access and privacy. It’s bigger than coins, this is why comparing the 2 is a wrong approach.

Daniel Tamas is the CEO and co-founder of WAM app, the world’s first hyper-casual gaming platform and internationally validated play-to-earn social gaming platform, reaching 1st place in the Top Charts of the App Stores. He’s also an entrepreneur, investor and founder of various companies, but most importantly a Frenchie lover and a hot sauce enthusiast

