Burning $WAN: Help test the new Wanchain EVM! Earn bounty rewards!

Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2022

As some of you may already know, on April 21st, at Epoch 19103, the Wanchain Testnet underwent a successful hard fork. The primary purpose of this hard fork was to upgrade the Gwan EVM. This major upgrade makes the Wanchain blockchain fully compatible with the Ethereum London fork EVM and fully supports the EIP1559 protocol. Not only does this upgrade add a per-transaction $WAN token burning mechanism, it further enhances the capabilities of the Wanchain blockchain and greatly facilitates the migration of new Dapps from Ethereum to Wanchain.

A one-month bounty program for Wanchain Gwan EVM upgrade will begin on April 25th, 2022 and run till May 25th, 2022. We will issue a notice through Wanchain’s owned media channels if the public test needs to be extended.

New Wanchain Gwan EVM highlights

Here are the main features of Wanchain’s new Gwan EVM:

  • Supports EVM’s London hard fork version
  • Supports EIP1559
  • Supports SHA3
  • Supports latest EVM opcodes
  • Enhances the smooth upgrade for PoS validators
  • Supports seamless migration of new Dapps from Ethereum

The Scope: What to test

The purpose of this public test is to ensure that all tools and Dapps are functioning properly with the new Wanchain Gwan EVM. Below are a few suggestions about what to target during this public test:

1) Wallets, explorers and other tools

Work has already been done to make MetaMask, WanMask, WanWallet Desktop, WanWallet Mobile, WanBridge Web and the Wanchain Explorer compatible with the new Gwan EVM on the Wanchain testnet.

Please help ensure that all are working normally by testing functions like common operations, ordinary transactions, privacy transactions, cross-chain transactions, etc. You will earn bounty rewards for reporting bugs.

2) Current ecosystem dapps

Several of Wanchain’s ecosystem partners have already deployed their Dapps on the Wanchain testnet. These include: WanSwap, WanLend, ZooKeeper, StreamTrade, Jack’s Pot, and Open ZOO.

All these DApps need to be put through their paces. Please help ensure that all these DApps are functioning properly by testing things like farming, staking, buying, selling, etc. You will earn bounty rewards for reporting bugs.

3) New DApp migrations

A few projects have already agreed to migrate their applications to Wanchain, via our Wanchain Thrust program and other outreach efforts. We also encourage anyone and everyone else to help test DApp compatibility by migrating new and popular dapps on Ethereum to Wanchain. In other words, please help test compatibility issues by deploying your Ethereum DApps on Wanchain.

Bounty rewards for DApp migrations are granted on both the workload involved in migrating as well as for reporting bugs. For details about DApp migration rewards, please contact techsupport@wanchain.org.

Bounty Rewards

We encourage everyone to participate in this public test by looking for bugs and proposing suggestions. If you encounter any bugs and report them, you will be rewarded accordingly, on the basis of bug severity. Reward tiers are:

  • Trivial: 20 WAN
  • General: 100 WAN
  • Major: 250WAN
  • Critical: 2500 WAN
  • Fatal: 10,000 and above

Bug report: https://forms.office.com/r/cbcXCupFma

Note: Where multiple users submit the same bug, only the first user to submit the bug via the Bug Bounty Report Form will receive the reward. Classification of severity is at the sole discretion of Wanchain’s R&D team. The Wanchain Foundation reserves the right to final interpretation on all aspects related to this Bug Bounty Program.

Testnet $WAN and $WRC20 tokens

Get WAN test coins & WRC20 test tokens using our Testnet faucet: https://wanchain-faucet.vercel.app/

Other helpful links



Support and Bug Report


Advanced users can also help test the following:

  • Functional testing for non-PoS mining nodes
  • Compatibility test for commonly used Ethereum SDKs

Note: Wanchain reserves the final right of interpretation for all aspects of this public test.

Wanchain Team

April 25th, 2022

About Wanchain

True DeFi is interoperable — Wanchain, the Wide Area Network chain, is the world’s premier decentralised blockchain interoperability solution. Our mission is to drive blockchain adoption through interoperability by building fully decentralised bridges that connect the world’s many siloed blockchain networks. This crosschain infrastructure empowers developers to build truly decentralised crosschain applications to power the future of Web3.

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