Guide: How to crosschain transfer your DOT using WanBridge Web

Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2021

How to crosschain transfer your $DOT assets from Polkadot to Wanchain, Ethereum, Avalanche, Moonriver and more using WanBridge Web

Step 0: Make sure you have the appropriate wallets.

Before completing decentralised crosschain transactions using WanBridge Web, you need to ensure you have access to the correct wallet(s). You must have wallets for each network involved in the crosschain transaction you wish to complete.

For $DOT crosschain transactions, we support polkadot{.js} extension for $DOT on Polkadot, WanMask for Wanchain, and MetaMask for all EVM compatible chains including Wanchain.

This guide demonstrates a crosschain transaction transferring $DOT from Polkdadot to Wanchain using both polkadot{.js} extension and Metamask. Metamask is a fantastic wallet that grants you access to any EVM-compatible blockchain network.

Step 1: Transfer your $DOT to the address of polkadot{.js} extension

Open your polkadot{.js} extension on Chrome, go to Settings -> Display Address Format For, and choose Polkadot Relay Chain.

After that, transfer your $DOT assets which you wish to crosschain transfer to the address on polkadot{.js}. In this example, the address is “14s9m89…”.

Note that polkadot{.js} doesn’t display asset balances (i.e. How much of each assets you have). So, once $DOT is sent to the address, you can go to Polkascan to check the balance.

Step 2: Visit

Step 3: Click “Select asset please” on the left side of the terminal.

Step 4: Select the asset $DOT you want to crosschain transfer from Polkadot network to a different chain.

Step 5: Click “Select From Chain” and select the origin chain Polkadot.

Step 6: Click “Select To Chain” and select the destination chain Wanchain.

At present, for $DOT crosschain transactions, we support Polkadot, Wanchain, Ethereum, Avalanche, and Moonriver. In this example, we are moving $DOT to Wanchain. So, Wanchain is selected as the destination chain.

Step 7: Click the “From” icon to auto-connect your polkadot{.js} extension.

After WanBridge Web connects to your polkadot{.js} extension, both your Polkadot address and balance are visible.

Note that if you failed to connect polkadot{.js}, please go to Settings -> Manage Website Access in polkadot{.js} to check whether your current website URL has been denied in the past.

Step 8: Enter your Wanchain recipient address.

In this example, as we are moving $DOT to Wanchain, the Recipient address is a Wanchain address.

Step 9: Enter the amount of $DOT you wish to convert and then click “Next”.

Step 10: On the next page, review all the information relating to your crosschain transaction and click “Confirm”.

Be sure to double-check your To address and the Amount you are crosschain transferring.

Step 11: Enter the password of your polkadot{.js}, and click “Sign the transaction”.

After clicking Confirm on WanBridge Web, the polkadot{.js} will pop up with a window asking you to confirm the information and enter your password.

Step 12: Wait until your crosschain transaction is completed.

Your $DOT crosschain transaction is now being processed. It will appear as Processing. The amount of time a crosschain transaction takes is entirely dependant on the speed of the blockchain networks involved, both original and target chains.

Step 13: Confirm the receipt of your $DOT on the destination chain.

Once your crosschain transaction status changes to Success, you can confirm receipt of the funds in your Recipient address. In this example, the Recipient Wanchain address now has $wanDOT.

Congratulations! You have completed a DOT crosschain transaction using Wanbridge Web!

Note: Crosschain assets use different nomenclature depending on the destination chain. Assets moved to Wanchain use the ‘wan’ prefix (ie. ETH becomes wanETH, XRP becomes wanXRP, DOT becomes wanDOT, etc.). Crosschain assets on different blockchain networks may use a slightly different naming scheme. For instance, crosschain assets on Avalanche use the ‘.a’ suffix (ie. BTC becomes BTC.a, WAN becomes WAN.a) while on Moonriver use the ‘.m’ suffix (ie. BTC becomes BTC.m, WAN becomes WAN.m).

Note 2: Currently, Ledger hardware wallet is not supported for DOT crosschain transfers from Polkadot to other chains as the Polkadot app on Ledger doesn’t support the nesting of batch signatures.

About Wanchain

True DeFi is interoperable — Wanchain, the Wide Area Network chain, is the world’s premier decentralised blockchain interoperability solution. Our mission is to drive blockchain adoption through interoperability by building fully decentralised bridges that connect the world’s many siloed blockchain networks. This crosschain infrastructure empowers developers to build truly decentralised crosschain applications to power the future of DeFi.

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