Wanchain 5.0 Testnet User Guide for Storeman Nodes

Published in
12 min readSep 30, 2020

Wanchain 5.0 Testnet will be fully open for public testing on September 30th, 2020.

Wanchain 5.0 Testnet Bounty Program:


Wanchain 5.0 Testnet Bug Report:


1. Background Knowledge

The cross-chain mechanism of Wanchain actually builds a WAN Bridge between two public chains, so that assets on one chain can be integrated into another chain, and vice versa. At the core of a WAN Bridge is a Storeman Group connecting two public chains. Each Storeman Group is a WAN Bridge, and each Storeman Group contains 21 Storeman nodes.

The entire workflow of a Storeman Group is as follows:

In short, for a Storeman, you need to pay attention to the whole workflow. You should register a Storeman, try your best to be among the top 21 Storeman nodes so as to enter the Storeman Group, provide cross-chain services in the Storeman Group running period, and finally decide whether to enter the next round of Storeman node elections before the Storeman Group is dissolved.

Key parameters:
For the first Storeman Group cycle, you can prepare from September 30th to October 8th. If you are selected into the Storeman Group, you have to set up your server between October 9th & 11th. The Storeman Group will be running form October 11th to 16th. We plan to complete three cycles during Wanchain 5.0 Testnet.

2. Download Official Wanchain Desktop Wallet

Download official Wanchain Desktop Wallet test version for Wanchain 5.0 Testnet, and generate a WAN address to receive WAN test coins.

Note: please don’t send your mainnet WAN to this test version of WanWallet.

Download link


Note: Considering the compatibility issue between the new and the old wallets, we highly suggest you backup and reset your wallet and clear local data.

Please ensure that you have backed up the seed phrase of your previous wallet.

If the wallet fails to start up, it is receomended to rename the folder “Wan Wallet” as a backup, and then restart your wallet. Take Windows 10 as an example:

Go to Open Data Folder from your WanWallet menu

Go back to the folder Roaming, and rename the folder Wan Wallet

Finnally, restart your wallet.

3. Apply For WAN Test Coins

For Storeman nodes, we provide a WAN test coins website where you can apply for a large amount of WAN test coins. The applicant must register his/her information, and answer 5 questions related to Wanchain. According to the number of correct answers, WAN test coins will be randomly distributed to your WAN address, ranging from 10,000 WAN to 100,000 WAN. The more questions you answer correctly, the greater number of WAN test coins you will get.

Website for large amount WAN test coins application:


You will immediately receive WAN test coins ranging from 10,000 WAN to 100,000 WAN after you submit the application form online.

4. Storeman Nodes’ Staking & Competition

For the Storeman nodes who participate in the election, only top 21 Storeman nodes with biggest staking amount will be selected. Considering the cost of cloud servers, you can run the scripts in your local Linux Operating System to obtain a Validator Address (transfer your WAN test coins to this address to automatically participate in the Storeman node election), Validator Public Key (your Storeman registration in WanWallet will be used), EnodeId String (your Storeman registration in WanWallet will be used), Keystore JSON String (copy the contents to the same path of cloud server after the cloud server starts), and Nodekey String (copy the contents to the same path of cloud server after the cloud server starts).

If you already have a cloud server you can use, you can run the scripts directly on the cloud so as to reduce the step of copying files from local machine to the cloud server.

4.1 Generate Public Key and EnodeID

Run the scripts in Linux

Rename or delete the folder osm if it has already existed in the path /home/user

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wanchain/two-way-bridge-contracts/master/helpscript/envSetup.sh && chmod +x envSetup.sh && ./envSetup.sh

After you run the scripts above, there will be a folder osm generated in /home/user. The folder osm will be used once you start establish your Storeman node.

Back up the script output

The contents marked in Bold will be used once you register your Storeman in WanWallet.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==================================================Please Backup Your Validator Address“0x733452e4b0b6e0ae2248b0b46918d64bc8771bf2”==================================================Please Backup Your Validator Public Key0x2d54ecef44b32fa8b7c6e8c1c4e64e2fbc96c98ee027cd7032f53d89a97be3c0a9a10377c9dc688be2b594000d0e914abbf11b8a476b63c0a6ab2be4a64c3792==================================================Please Backup Your Keystore JSON String{“address”:”733452e4B0B6E0AE2248B0b46918d64BC8771BF2",”crypto”:{“cipher”:”aes-128-ctr”,”ciphertext”:”c6d8fbe6a885b8471f4c22835db0cbac7fbfe0c9f2f397d1eadd9840e9e5d4f3",”cipherparams”:{“iv”:”8d569d4c96d6ddd69de9a3f8a36a4216"},”kdf”:”scrypt”,”kdfparams”:{“dklen”:32,”n”:262144,”p”:1,”r”:8,”salt”:”2f0c2c117891a3e9f26766b591a6998c1cfeb2aff9e411f301743d9bd1da7bdb”},”mac”:”93bf267476286be3b8296d665107f412c1f7eae56afc4fce9a78ca28bdeb4693"},”crypto2":{“cipher”:”aes-128-ctr”,”ciphertext”:”129e452adbd5bbd2ba9ae6bea7b54641e6c32064cb25d813dc62debbe4335070",”cipherparams”:{“iv”:”736febbacaf06e4e61c1d0cf8010f8e6"},”kdf”:”scrypt”,”kdfparams”:{“dklen”:32,”n”:262144,”p”:1,”r”:8,”salt”:”88e483a2fce18c6efc289111f70010fd6833fe9d579069902ae827c109017766"},”mac”:”a894cd1b61a6ab7d92d53da3ed9da07c7d6ddb83d29212f4ca44ad55468c0cdb”},”id”:”7cb62af2-d704–4d09–9c80–85cfa309ca82",”version”:3,”waddress”:”022d54ecef44b32fa8b7c6e8c1c4e64e2fbc96c98ee027cd7032f53d89a97be3c00315a46e2648cbf3adc080987846b030f3dbda9a3c9af1e753333ba185c6689511"}==================================================Please Backup Your Nodekey String6c99ddaaa5664bf8a0c36647b1a1a99dedb7f821415f6b6eeee9c1e60ac9d76b==================================================Please Backup Your EnodeId String0xa277dcfd46eaa436b795bdda227eb921ede625fd8560f33781a7ba273decfb4b09f5d41f9abdb3abedb10db15ef5b471b6405228a889e1e6d48faf0e2e9ed848

4.2 Stake WAN to Storeman node using WanWallet Desktop

Go to Storeman staking page

Open WanWallet Desktop, go to Storeman > Storeman. This is the page for your Storeman to stake. Please transfer small amount of WAN to your Validator Address for gas fees for the future to use when the Storeman Group is running. The transaction will fail if the validator address has 0 WAN.

Become a Storeman Candidate

When Wanchain Foundation sends a transaction to begin a new Storeman Group, you can see what Storeman Group that is available to receive what staking amount in the Open Group List.

Input your Public Key and Enode ID you generated

Select the account which you want to stake from and the amount of WAN you want to stake. After you confirm this information, you can see your staking details in the Storeman List.

Top-up your Storeman Candidate

After your Storeman becomes a Candidate, you can see the ranking of all Storeman Nodes, and top-up your funds to your Storeman in WanWallet.

5. Setup Storeman Node

5.1 Check Election Result

You can check the Storeman election result in the wallet. If the Status is Selected, it means that your Storeman node successfully entered the Storeman Group. If the Status is Not Selected, it means that your Storeman node failsed to enter the group.

The Storeman nodes which fail to be selected can claim back their staking funds.

5.2. Setup Storeman Node on Cloud

Hardware Requirements

To setup a Storeman node needs independent public IP. You can use cloud service or setup your own server. Linux OS is recommended. The following table is the minimum requirements of AWS for your reference.

Prepare Keystore and Nodekey

Please copy the files of Keystore and Nodekey which were generated in the path of /home/user of your local machine to the same path of your cloud server. (See Section 5 for how to generate Keystore and Nodekey)

5.3 Install Storeman Service

Initialize the environment

  • Open Port

Log in Storeman management platform. Enable the following ports in the firewall inbound settings: TCP 37718/UDP 37718, and enable the following ports in the firewall outbound settings: TCP 26891/ TCP 26892/ TCP 30000. (If you run your own node, please add a corresponding port)

Initialize the environment

sudo chown "$USER" ~/osm
cd ~/osm
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wanchain/two-way-bridge-contracts/master/helpscript/init_open_storeman_Env.sh && chmod +x init_open_storeman_Env.sh && ./init_open_storeman_Env.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wanchain/two-way-bridge-contracts/master/helpscript/startStoreman.sh && chmod +x startStoreman.sh
  • Get host ip as mongo ip through ifconfig

According to the picture above, host docker ip is

  • Please manually create the password file of workAddress. The path is ~/osm/pwd.json. You should enter the corresponding password:
"WORKING_PWD": "Your password for workAddress 0x733452e4b0b6e0ae2248b0b46918d64bc8771bf2"

Configure Mongo DB

  • Modify the config file mongod.conf to make it available to access
sudo vi /etc/mongod.conf

Add to bindIp. It is host docker IP.

Restart Storeman Agent

  • Restart MongoDB
sudo systemctl restart mongod
  • Confirm startStoreman.sh
# Confirm the parameters in the scripts are the parameters you required

# agent work path
# mpc p2p port
# Make sure that p2pPort and the filrewall inbound port are consistent

# If you want to manually configure the node, please modify the url


# You can configure your Storeman
# You can choose one of the following item for url2 to achieve load balance
# url2=''
# url2=''
# url2=''
# url2=''
# url2=''
  • Start Agent

Waddress is the workAddress that your Storeman participates

As a docker, Hostip is used to connect mongoDB IP.

cd ~/osm/
./startStoreman [waddress] [hostip]
Example:./startStoreman.sh 0x733452e4b0b6e0ae2248b0b46918d64bc8771bf2
  • Check Agent Container Status
sudo docker exec -it openstoreman pm2 l

Status is online and restart times is 0 represents normal status.

View your log using following command lines

# agent log
sudo docker exec -it openstoreman pm2 log 0
# mpc log
sudo docker exec -it openstoreman pm2 log 1
  • Verify the connection number of Storeman Peer

Open mpc console through ipc, and check the number of connected MPC nodes in console

sudo docker exec -it openstoreman ./schnorrmpc/bin/schnorrmpc attach ./schnorrmpc/data/gwan.ipc

Confirm the returned peer node information, which indicates the current number of MPC node connections.

6. Storeman Group Running Period

6.1 Top-up Staking Amount

During the period of Storeman Group working, you can top-up WAN to your Storeman.

6.2 Claim Rewards

You can claim your rewards every day. But the deposits can only be claimed when the entire Storeman Group completes.

6.3 Exit

You can choose to enter the next round of electoion or exit the election before the next round of Storeman Group starts.

You can top-up your staking amount at any time during the cycle of Storeman Group operation. (Note: in the testnet, a cycle is 5 days, while in the mainnet, a cycle is 45 days, up to current rule).

After a cycle of Storeman Group completes, you can claim your both deposits and rewards, and enter the next round of election.

7. Appendix

Here is an example of running Public Key and EnodeID scripts

ubuntu@ip-10-1-1-105:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wanchain/two-way-bridge-contracts/master/helpscript/envSetup.sh  &&  chmod +x envSetup.sh && ./envSetup.sh
--2020-09-28 09:41:22-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wanchain/two-way-bridge-contracts/master/helpscript/envSetup.sh
Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...
Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2946 (2.9K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘envSetup.sh.1’
envSetup.sh.1 100%[===================================================================================================================>] 2.88K --.-KB/s in 0s 2020-09-28 09:41:22 (54.6 MB/s) - ‘envSetup.sh.1’ saved [2946/2946]==========================================
| Welcome to Mainnet Validator Deploy |
!!!!!! WARNING Please Remember Your Password !!!!!!!!
!!!!!!Otherwise You will lose all your assets!!!!!!!!
Enter your password of validator account:
Confirm your password of validator account:
latest: Pulling from wanchain/openstoremanagent
419e7ae5bb1e: Already exists
848839e0cd3b: Already exists
de30e8b35015: Already exists
258fdea6ea48: Already exists
ca1b0e608d7b: Already exists
dd8cac1f0c02: Already exists
38a17b67fe0d: Already exists
e19d627f8e7d: Already exists
3944518be6fb: Already exists
31dfd4404907: Already exists
95d02f3cb2af: Pull complete
abe226af4359: Pull complete
62f13a73a9a6: Pull complete
2b43fcba66b2: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d8bd070ebceaeba3be894a23d454fb138b9f16c4f1b8490b2597e9c0b9ad409c
Status: Downloaded newer image for wanchain/openstoremanagent:latest
WARN [09-28|09:41:40] No etherbase set and no accounts found as default
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/pos cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/rblocaldb cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/eplocaldb cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Starting peer-to-peer node instance=gwan/v2.1.5/linux-amd64/go1.13.4
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/chaindata cache=128 handles=8192
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Writing default main-net genesis block
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 1 Byzantium: 0 Engine: ethash}"
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Disk storage enabled for ethash caches dir=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/wanhash count=3
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Disk storage enabled for ethash DAGs dir=/root/.wanhash count=2
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Initialising Wanchain protocol versions="[63 62]" network=1
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Loaded most recent local header number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Loaded most recent local full block number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Loaded most recent local fast block number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] loaded cq cache eclapsed=270ns length=0
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] Starting P2P networking
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] RLPx listener up self="enode://a277dcfd46eaa436b795bdda227eb921ede625fd8560f33781a7ba273decfb4b09f5d41f9abdb3abedb10db15ef5b471b6405228a889e1e6d48faf0e2e9ed848@[::]:17717?discport=0"
INFO [09-28|09:41:40] IPC endpoint opened: /osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan.ipc
INFO [09-28|09:41:45] IPC endpoint closed: /osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan.ipc
INFO [09-28|09:41:45] Blockchain manager stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:45] Stopping Wanchain protocol
INFO [09-28|09:41:45] Wanchain protocol stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:45] Transaction pool stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:45] Database closed database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/chaindata
INFO [09-28|09:41:46] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/pos cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:46] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/rblocaldb cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:46] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/eplocaldb cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:46] Starting peer-to-peer node instance=gwan/v2.1.5/linux-amd64/go1.13.4
INFO [09-28|09:41:46] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/chaindata cache=128 handles=8192
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 1 Byzantium: 0 Engine: ethash}"
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Disk storage enabled for ethash caches dir=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/wanhash count=3
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Disk storage enabled for ethash DAGs dir=/root/.wanhash count=2
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Initialising Wanchain protocol versions="[63 62]" network=1
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Loaded most recent local header number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Loaded most recent local full block number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Loaded most recent local fast block number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] loaded cq cache eclapsed=310ns length=0
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Loaded local transaction journal transactions=0 dropped=0
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] Starting P2P networking
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] RLPx listener up self="enode://a277dcfd46eaa436b795bdda227eb921ede625fd8560f33781a7ba273decfb4b09f5d41f9abdb3abedb10db15ef5b471b6405228a889e1e6d48faf0e2e9ed848@[::]:17717?discport=0"
INFO [09-28|09:41:47] IPC endpoint opened: /osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan.ipc
INFO [09-28|09:41:49] IPC endpoint closed: /osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan.ipc
INFO [09-28|09:41:49] Blockchain manager stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:49] Stopping Wanchain protocol
INFO [09-28|09:41:49] Wanchain protocol stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:49] Transaction pool stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:49] Database closed database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/chaindata
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/pos cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/rblocaldb cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/eplocaldb cache=16 handles=256
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Starting peer-to-peer node instance=gwan/v2.1.5/linux-amd64/go1.13.4
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Allocated cache and file handles database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/chaindata cache=128 handles=8192
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 1 Byzantium: 0 Engine: ethash}"
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Disk storage enabled for ethash caches dir=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/wanhash count=3
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Disk storage enabled for ethash DAGs dir=/root/.wanhash count=2
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Initialising Wanchain protocol versions="[63 62]" network=1
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Loaded most recent local header number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Loaded most recent local full block number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Loaded most recent local fast block number=0 hash=0x0376899c001618fc7d5ab4f31cfd7f57ca3a896ccc1581a57d8f129ecf40b840 td=1048576
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] loaded cq cache eclapsed=340ns length=0
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Loaded local transaction journal transactions=0 dropped=0
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Regenerated local transaction journal transactions=0 accounts=0
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Starting P2P networking
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] RLPx listener up self="enode://a277dcfd46eaa436b795bdda227eb921ede625fd8560f33781a7ba273decfb4b09f5d41f9abdb3abedb10db15ef5b471b6405228a889e1e6d48faf0e2e9ed848@[::]:17717?discport=0"
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] IPC endpoint opened: /osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan.ipc
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] IPC endpoint closed: /osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan.ipc
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Blockchain manager stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Stopping Wanchain protocol
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Wanchain protocol stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Transaction pool stopped
INFO [09-28|09:41:50] Database closed database=/osm/schnorrmpc/data/gwan/chaindata
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please Backup Your Validator Address
Please Backup Your Validator Public Key
Please Backup Your Keystore JSON String
Please Backup Your Nodekey String
Please Backup Your EnodeId String

Please properly back up information above such as Public Key, Keystore, Nodekey and EnodeID.

About Wanchain

Wanchain is the infrastructure connecting the decentralized financial world. Wanchain’s live cross-blockchain solution is EVM-based, includes optional private transactions, and provides a decentralized, permissionless, and secure approach for interoperability. Wanchain has employees globally with teams in China, the USA, and other team members around the world in Asia, Africa, and Europe.

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