Wanchain Alpha Testnet Annoucement

Lizzie Lu
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2017

Dear Wanchain Community,

We will contact the first round of selected testers tomorrow (7th of November) before 14:00 UTC.

After a week, we will invite the rest of the approved applicants to start conducting tests on the Wanchain alpha testnet.

Community support is very much appreciated and is essential to provide long-term success for the project. We want to give experienced and dedicated developers an opportunity to be compensated for the work conducted.

Wanchain will create a Developer Bounty Committee which will be composed of community developers and Wanchain team members. The core functions of the Developer Bounty Committee will be to coordinate with the developers, review the work performed, and determine appropriate compensation.

The Developer Bounty Committee will reserve a pool of tokens to reward developers for their work in assisting the project development (not just for identifying bugs in the testnet but also for any work post mainnet launch).

We will continue to update the community on the progress of the platform development.

Many thanks,

The Wanchain Team

