Wanchain Bi-Weekly AMA Recap

Published in
6 min readApr 21, 2022

Recap for the AMA that took place on April 20th, 2 PM UTC

To promote open communication between the core team and the community, we are hosting bi-weekly AMAs on Telegram!

Q1. Can we move the connect to bridge button at the beginning of the website. When i clicked it originally i thought it was to connect the wanwallet. Which i think might be a better idea. Make the connect button connect your wallet and thats how you log into the website and maybe get rewards for doing certain things on the site (ex.Learn2Earn like coinbase), a faucet and a test the speed page where u can test the speed of wanchain, a wanchain merch store where you can buy merch with wan, or have a swap page to quickly swap between WAN pairs (wbtc,weth,wusdt). — Web

  • Thanks for the feedback! These are all fantastic ideas. I’d love to do something akin to a Learn2Earn. I’ll forward your feedback to the product team running the website.
  • We’re always glad to receive specific, actionable feedback like this so keep it coming!
  • Regarding the merchandise, this came up in a previous AMA. We don’t currently offer official merchandise, but there are some stores offering unofficial Wanchain merchandise if you look for them online. We may team up with an official merchandise partner at some point, but haven’t yet. Watch this space and you’ll be the first to know when official merch is available!

Q2. What is the latest development regarding NFT bridges. Will Wanchain to look into dynamic NFTS bridges? — Bikoranger

  • As we’ve mentioned a couple times, we’ve been working on our NFT bridges. We’ve got one decent method to do it which we’ll be rolling out before too long. The plan is to have a public NFT faucet of sorts on the testnet where you’ll all be able to claim test NFT tokens and use the existing WanBridge to move them from Wanchain to another network, and back.
  • This current crosschain NFT solution still has an imperfect way to deal with attributes, but it is functional. There’s a fair bit of variance with how each NFT team stores their NFT attributes (on chain, ipfs, centralised servers, etc). With this current setup, the NFT bridge will still need to be set up on a case-by-case basis, in collaboration with the NFT projects that want to use the bridge.

Q3. How many bridges would the team consider building before shifting their focus on growing Wanchain’s own ecosystem? Would low utilisation bridges be closed in the future to reduce redundancy in the system? — Anonymous

  • The Layer 1 blockchain and the crosschain bridges are the two pillars that make up Wanchain, so it isn’t a matter of abandoning one to focus on the other.
  • In fact, in many ways, it is the opposite as the act of building more bridges and connecting more networks expands the Wanchain ecosystem itself.
  • When considering the crosschain bridges, the basic technology still has a long way to go. So we aren’t anywhere near satisfied with the total number of chains that are currently connected to our Wide Area Network of blockchains.
  • We’ve got 15+ Layer 1 and Layer 2s connected now. This number might be 10x by the time we’re done.
  • That being said, we are putting more focus on building out the Layer 1 ecosystem. We have our Wanchain Thrust program running now, which has been going pretty well so far.
  • About low utilisation bridges… it’s certainly possible that some may be closed but it will more likely be for other reasons than to reduce redundancy. If we close a bridge, we may create the possibility that a user’s funds get stuck (and would need some ongoing solution to address that), so we’d rather keep them open than inconvenience even 1 person.
  • Now, if a particular bridge isn’t functioning well and has NO utilisation… then sure, we may consider retiring it. But if it’s a simple EVM chain with minimal upkeep costs, it’s safe to assume that it will stay up even if there is low utilisation.

Q4. On average, from discussion to going public, how long does the whole process take? Can we expect any DApps drop this year? — Anonymous

  • This really is case-by-case. With some projects, news can go public almost immediately after a deal is struck or an agreement is made. You’ll generally see this with smaller projects who want the social amplification that Wanchain can provide (as a brief aside, these rush jobs are more likely to result in failed deliverables and missing commitments).
  • With others, especially larger projects/partners, it can be 6+ months from initial discussions to going public. When you have these “extreme” lead-up times, it’s usually due to a project’s internal procedures — the larger the project, the more likely it is that lawyers need to get involved; often needing to sign on everything including marketing.
  • Regarding the 2nd half of your question, you can expect more DAPPs to drop on Wanchain later this year. I just mentioned that the Wanchain Thrust program is up and running now. This program has already gotten commitments from a few projects to deploy on Wanchain though some will wait until after our upcoming EVM upgrade.

Q5. When do you expect to achieve EVM compatibility for all Versions ? — ICryptosI

  • Currently, Wanchain uses the Byzantine EVM. We are planning to upgrade to the London EVM soon.
  • In terms of timeline, we’re actually in the final stretch, Our testnet is already using London. I imagine in the next week or so, we’ll announce a public test/bug bounty, run that for 4–5 weeks, and then London will be ready for the Mainnet.

Q6. Nudge/reminder, can we address the users frustration of wanscan not having all needed information for tax reporting, inside the csv.

Wanscan is very handy, and I appreciate what the developers have done by adding the csv export, but it is lack crucial information that is needed for ease of use reporting.

I and many others have found thus to be burdensome. With the advent of wanswap and now zookeeper, more so even with stream trade, some user accounts are trading thousands of times. Manually verifying the csv data for usd amounts for specific token amounts is way to much burden.

If wanchain does become adopted, this stands to be a major pain for existing and future users. I believe this issue should be adressed and made a priority after the evm update. — jgbtrade666

  • This very issue was just brought up in our weekly call (you can thank Liam for that)! Basically… message received! Liam has coordinated with one of our colleagues to provide a list of the specific info that needs the be included, then the devs will look to add it.
  • And if there’s any other important or useful data that you’d like access to, just keep spamming Liam.

Q7. Can we get a fairly detailed update/timeline of the evm update coming out soon? I believe in testnet. We were on Byzantium, I believe we’re moving all the way to london/Berlin eip1559 support. Can you break it down for me on rough timeline and what might delay it. — jgbtrade666

  • I somewhat shared this above, but let’s add a bit more detail:
  • The London EVM is already on our testnet. I think we’ll open the public test/bug bounty next week or so. The reason why there isn’t a specific date yet is that our devs are fixing some of the bugs they already found first. Once those are fixed, we’ll open it to the public.
  • Then, we’ll run the public test/bug bounty for about 4–5 weeks, depending on how many bugs and the severity of the bugs that are found (theoretically, this a where some delay could occur is a huge number of super severe bugs were found, but I highly doubt that will happen). After that, the new EVM will be deployed on the Mainnet.
  • So we’ll still have our privacy features, we’ll also support SHA3 (which Ethereum doesn’t) as well as all the EVM opcodes. And yes, probably what’s most exciting to all of your, since we will be supporting EIP1559.
  • Every transaction will burn some WAN, opening the door to make WAN deflationary, in the same way that EIP1559 made ETH deflationary.
  • Really, it’ll work the same way as Ethereum’s. So there will be both a base fee (which gets burned) as well as a “tip”
  • There’s lots of writeups online about how EIP1559 works, and we’ll be publishing our own documents as well, of course

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Bi-Weekly AMA, until next time!




Community Lead @ Wanchain. We Are All Connected!