Wanchain Bi-Weekly AMA Recap

Published in
8 min readMar 24, 2022

Recap for the AMA that took place on March 9th, 2 PM UTC

To promote open communication between the core team and the community, we are hosting bi-weekly AMAs on Telegram!

Q1. Are you going to improve access to common users so that the WANCHAIN bridge is more accessible and easy to use for the public that does not have knowledge in Cryptocurrencies? — Anonymous

  • It goes without saying that we will continue to strive to make our bridges as user friendly as possible and continue to make improvements based on everyones’ feedback. However, realistically, people that have zero knowledge of cryptocurrencies are probably not engaging in decentralised crosschain transactions.
  • That being said, if any of you have specific suggestions on how we can make our bridges more user friendly, do let us know!

Q2. Do you have a Merch store so we can buy T-shirts and mugs etc? — MikeyDev

  • We don’t actually currently offer official merchandise, but there are some stores offering unofficial Wanchain merchandise if you look for them online.

Q3. How do you aim to increase adoption in the next 12 months? — MikeyDev

  • Last year, some highlights included multiple partnerships with large projects/enterprises and the integration of multiple Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks into our crosschain infrastructure. There will definitely be more of that in the next 12 months, and there’s at least 2 large/major collaborations that are getting closer to prime time.
  • Additionally, there will be an increased emphasis on attracting DAPPs and developers to either deploy on Wanchain or use our bridges in their DAPPs on other chains.
  • You’re starting to see some of these efforts come to fruition. Earlier this week, a cool new project on Avalanche called Hexagon was announced. Hexagon, which is officially backed by both Terra and Balancer, is also committed to using Wanchain bridges.
  • Our new Wanchain Thrust program, which is aimed at attracting small- and mid-sized projects to Wanchain’s Layer 1 blockchain, is also officially getting off the ground.
  • And finally, as always (and arguable most importantly), you can expect us to continue to make strides in the research/academia of blockchain interoperability, as we work towards establishing the crosschain standards that will enable true crosschain development to thrive.

Q4. Will you be providing technical information videos on Wanchains crosschain advantages so that all of the holders can spread the word buy sharing content? Good animated vidoes can really help with technical subjects and make them palatable and you can utilise very talented animators, etc, on sites like fiverr. — MikeyDev

  • As you may have noticed, we are currently revamping a lot of our owned media! We just relaunched our website and have been updated other documents (starting with explorewanchain.org).
  • Regarding videos specifically, there are several videos on our YouTube channel, though some may admittedly be in need of a refresh as well.
  • I’d encourage all of you to let us know precisely what kinds of videos you want to see, and I’d be more than happy to make them happen in the coming months.

Q5. I want to know what percentile of team and resources are being utilized by NDA type projects and what percentage of those have to use wanglu tech as a business intermediary :) Seems like small team, big project, and resource allocation can be difficult. — UncleStripes

  • Thanks for the question @UncleStripes! It’s really very difficult for me to assign an accurate percentage to something like this, but it’s safe to say that a large portion of our work is in collaboration with large partners. With these larger collaborations, even if not covered by a formal NDAs, there is still an expectation that details not be shared publicly without the agreement of all parties. I’m hoping some of these things can be revealed soon.
  • That being said, there’s lots of things that we’re doing that aren’t bound by NDAs or tied to partners, such as our continued efforts to connect all of the world’s blockchains into a single, interoperable network. We’re working on Tron right now, and we’ll be having a network upgrade (along with a public test) soon too!

Q6. Will you add terra to your crosschain support — MaximusD

  • To be honest, there aren’t active plans to add Terra right noe, largely because Terra has an “official” bridge of their own called Axelar. But once more Terra assets come over to the EVM world, then we can enable them to move through our crosschain network.
  • And as Liam just reminded us, Terra is in our orbit. They are backing a project called Hexagon on Avalanche, which is officially going to use Wanchain bridges.

Q7. Hello Tem, It is possible to get an updated list of Wanchain partners? — genshimaro

  • Rather than just list all of the partnerships that Wanchain has ever announced, here’s several of the partnerships and collaborations that I know are very much active. If bound by NDAs or unannounced, I’ll refrain from naming them. I’ll also leave out the DAPPs that are using our technology, exchanges, and media partners so as not to confuse things:
  • A Fortune Global 500 enterprise
  • A popular wallet / digital asset management service that has served over 12M customers
  • A top 10 network
  • A top 100 network
  • Avalanche
  • Polygon
  • Moonbeam
  • Band Protocol
  • Wanlabs
  • Epic Cash/Epicenter
  • Hyperledger
  • Enterprise Ethereum Alliance
  • Again, this isn’t an exhaustive list of all the announced partnerships we’ve had, but these I know to be very active. Hope that helps!

Q8. I believe it’s in wanchains best interest to help fund the development of the $ZOO ecosystem. Arguably one of the best dapps and ecosystem ever built on it. Is this something that Wanchain is considering? If not. Why? — ImRedryan

  • While several of these questions asked about Wanchain’s willingness to help fund the development of the $ZOO ecosystem, it appears to be part of a larger narrative that Wanchain doesn’t do enough to support Zookeeper.
  • We usually don’t like to directly address these kinds of things, preferring to let the community discuss amongst yourselves, but this narrative continues to be repeated so I’ll do my best to set the record straight (at least in so far as I understand it!).
  • To start, Wanchain has always tried its best to support ZooKeeper. From day 1. Whether this has been enough is clearly a matter of opinion, so I’d rather stick to the facts.
  • Here’s some of the support that Wanchain has provided thus far:
  • On the marketing side of things, ZooKeeper has been (and continues to be) a regular presence of Wanchain’s socials. We’ve made introductions between ZooKeeper and some small/mid-sized influencers and attempted some co-marketing campaigns. I’m also pretty much always low-key shilling Zookeeper to our larger media partners, though I admit that the success of these efforts has been a mixed bag.
  • On the tech side of things, Wanchain has done even more to support Zookeeper’s development. From day 1, one of Wanchain’s top engineers has been helping ZooKeeper by designing most of their smart contracts. We’ve also always provided ZooKeeper with any crosschain support they asked for (bridging to BSC, bridging to Avalanche, vZOO, etc).
  • With all that said, Wanchain will continue to support ZooKeeper. We’re all big believers in ZooKeeper and, as we have said publicly many times, we’re very excited about ZooRavers and the future of the Zoo ecosystem. I, personally, totally agree with ImRedryan that ZooKeeper is one of the best DAPPs ever built on Wanchain.
  • But back to the specific question at hand — about Wanchain’s willingness to help fund the development of ZooKeeper. My personal opinion is that providing our smart contract developers and crosschain engineers to ZooKeeper, free of charge, should reasonably be considered as in-kind funding/support that helps with the development of ZooKeeper and the Zoo ecosystem.
  • If there is other, specific, financial assistance that ZooKeeper needs, I’d encourage the team to reach and ask us directly so we can consider it.
  • Now, as a final note (this answer is getting very long but it’s important!), regardless of the above, it is a real issue that one of Wanchain’s premier DAPPs feels like they aren’t sufficiently supported by Wanchain. So, I hope we can move forward with more open lines of communication so that we can find a way to make everyone happy.
  • We want to create and maintain a positive environment where everyone feels fulfilled!

Q9. Wanchain to consider financially helping the furthering development of Zookeeper, Wanswap Wanlend with new grants for building out further usecase surrounding the core dapps in ecosystem for its health. Wanswap and Wanlend need much work on the utility for long term health as the Farming rewards will end in Dec 2022. so there must be plenty of utility and an action plan for using the Wasp token within new usecases before the time comes and to deliver on the WAND token utility and governance and furthering promotion and utility around the Lending protocol and scaling the ecosystem further with the lead of the original projects which spearheaded the birth of Wanchain DeFi. All projects should have the support needed to Thrust Wanchain to the next level and be a chain saught after to deploy. — FUD_Disposal

  • All of these projects are welcome to apply for investments, grants, incentives or any other form of support. They aren’t excluded from any of our programmes and they all have direct lines to the core Wanchain team.
  • It’s fine to want support (I encourage it!) but at least some of the onus needs to belong to the projects themselves. If and when they want something, they need to let us know.

Q10. During your 1st AMA, you’ll stated there was something big brewing wrt Wanchain. Can you expand/share a month after making that statement? That statement was freely shared, so I am following up. Is the brew still brewing? Was it something about a possible State Grid of China, Cardano update or other bridges, X-roll ups, new DAPPs coming out or something else the public is in the dark about? Thanks — bzekus

  • There’s several large projects ruminating in the background. Two are getting quite close to being announced (I hope)!

Q11. Do you plan to issue stable tokens with wrc20 contracts for your Wanchain network? Wasp usage areas are very limited. It is only given as a farm reward. Will we be able to use the wasps we have for anything in the future? — Mesut Dskn

  • Regarding the stable coins, Wanchain currently have wrapped USDT and USDC that have decent liquidity. If you’re asking about developing a native stable coin on Wanchain, Wanchain itself has no plans to do so, though I think there’s a great opportunity for an existing project to come over and fill that need.
  • For the WASP issues, I think you’re better off asking in the WanSwap Telegram group (https://t.me/wanswap_official)

Q12. Will there be stock market listings for wan zoo and wasp? Also, it is very sad that there is no usdt parity on the exchanges where wanchain is listed. — Mesut Dskn

  • I’m not sure about the plans for ZOO and WASP, but there’s a sizeable WAN/USDT trading pair on Binance!

Q13. Does wanscan team will fork etherscan or add same function into it ? — ZooNft 3D

  • I was discussing the explorer with the team just earlier this week. An actual fork of etherscan is not in the cards as it isn’t open source (I think). They actually use an explorer-as-a-service business model.
  • But we are in the early stages of exploring the feasibility of a new blockchain explorer that has more feature-parity with etherscan. It won’t be for a while though!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Bi-Weekly AMA, until next time!




Community Lead @ Wanchain. We Are All Connected!