Wanchain China Business Development Update

An update of recent business developments in China

Noah Maizels
3 min readNov 15, 2019


Following China’s embrace of blockchain technology and president Xi Jinping’s recent words promoting an increase in the speed of development and adoption of blockchain within the country, we have received a dramatic increase in requests from companies and institutions looking to integrate blockchain into their organizations. We have already begun consulting on a number of projects in a variety of different industries for applications based on both the public Wanchain blockchain as well as our private blockchain framework, Lanchain. As many of these blockchain based projects have not yet been announced publicly, we are unable to release the names of the organizations, however we will share this information with the community as soon as the projects have been confirmed publicly. The following is a brief overview of several of the companies Wanchain is currently consulting with:

  1. Telecommunications Company
    The company is one of China’s leading telecommunications companies, and has played a vital role over the last number of decades to the building up and development of China’s basic telecommunications infrastructure. The company is a contractor for a local city’s government, and is working together with Wanchain on the development of a Blockchain as a Service (BAAS) for the local government.
  2. Geospatial Technology Company
    One of the largest Geographic Information Systems (GIS) companies in China with offices in dozens of cities and has been in operation for several decades. They are consulting with Wanchain on the development of a BAAS for GIS data.
  3. Electric Power
    A publicly listed power company which specializes in smart energy grid systems. In addition to their focus on energy infrastructure, the company also has IT products, in particular they offer a variety of cloud based services. They are consulting with Wanchain on the development of a BAAS for transportation data.
  4. Real Estate
    A major governmental institution focused on construction and housing. This institution is involved in a wide variety of basic infrastructure projects across the country. They are consulting with Wanchain on the development of a blockchain powered platform for P2P property markets.
  5. Agriculture
    A digital asset research institute from one of the largest cities in China has invited Wanchain as an exclusive partner to work with them on the development contents for a conference focused on the use of blockchain in agriculture.
  6. Civil Engineering
    This group is a major supplier of technology, machinery, and high tech products to the Chinese government. They are consulting with Wanchain about how to use blockchain to authenticate a wide array of the organization’s vital engineering data.

This is just a brief overview of some of the organizations and companies that Wanchain is currently exploring blockchain solutions with. Stay tuned to our blog for more information on the confirmation of specific projects and organizations.

About Wanchain

Wanchain is the infrastructure connecting the decentralized financial world. Wanchain’s live cross-blockchain solution is EVM-based, includes optional private transactions, and provides a decentralized, permissionless, and secure approach for interoperability. Wanchain has employees globally with teams in Beijing (China), Austin (USA), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), and Madrid (Spain).

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