Wanchain Galaxy Consensus Featured in CCF China Blockchain Conference

Noah Maizels
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2019

The 2019 “China Computer Federation · China Blockchain Conference” (CCF CBCC) was held in Chengdu, China from October 11 to October 13, 2019. Major media outlets such as CCTV and People’s Daily were there to report on the meeting. The Wanchain Galaxy Consensus academic paper Baguena: A Practical Proof of Stake Protocol With a Robust Delegation Mechanism was included in this conference and has been recommended for publication in several SCI periodicals. Demmon Zhong, the head of the Wanchain research team, attended the conference and shared the technical details of Galaxy Consensus and the Wanchain team’s future research aims.

2019 CCF Blockchain Technology Conference

The CCF CBCC is the top academic conference for blockchain technology in China. It is organized by the China Computer Federation and is host to many top-level blockchain experts from universities, industry, financial institutions and governmental organizations. These experts will jointly discuss key technologies, innovative applications, standards, and personnel training to promote the development and application of blockchain technology. The inclusion of the Galaxy Consensus paper represents the recognition of the innovation and practicality of Wanchain’s consensus protocol by the academic community. It is also an affirmation of the Wanchain research team’s achievements in the field of blockchain-related cryptography.

In addition, in September of this year, the Wanchain galaxy consensus theory article was also included in the “China Blockchain Development Report (2019)” blue book.

About Wanchain

Wanchain is the infrastructure connecting the decentralized financial world. Wanchain’s live cross-blockchain solution is EVM-based, includes optional private transactions, and provides a decentralized, permissionless, and secure approach for interoperability. Wanchain has employees globally with teams in Beijing (China), Austin (USA), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), and Madrid (Spain).

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