Wanchain joins Mousebelt Blockchain Education Alliance with Stellar, ICON, Hedera, LTO Network, and NEM

Oliver Birch
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2019

MouseBelt, an ecosystem that promotes blockchain innovation by supporting hands-on development for the projects, individuals, and emerging leaders that are pushing the industry forward, today announced their newest initiative to drive blockchain innovation through education: the Blockchain Education Alliance. The alliance’s first members — Wanchain, Stellar, ICON, Hedera, LTO Network, and NEM — will work collectively to provide university students with the connections and knowledge necessary to enter the workforce with practicable blockchain skills to contribute to the growing industry. MouseBelt will announce an additional 15 members in the near future.

The Blockchain Education Alliance will cultivate a network of 20 leaders in both industry and academia to jointly develop educational initiatives to accelerate mass adoption of blockchain technology. MouseBelt will organize meet-ups, face-to-face meetings, hackathons, and more to support collaboration. Members can also engage with researchers to develop new use cases that will address specific challenges within their industry.

“Students are demanding blockchain education,” said Ashlie Meredith, Director of MouseBelt University. “Universities need established experts in the space to help develop curriculum and projects — and Wanchain, Stellar, ICON, Hedera, LTO Network, and NEM are well positioned to share valuable knowledge”. We have an opportunity to have a positive impact on how blockchain technology is introduced to students, which will result in more blockchain developers, more innovative research, and higher quality companies.”

The Blockchain Education Alliance is the most recent development of MouseBelt’s University Program, which comprises a network of over 67 student blockchain organizations in 14 countries. The University Program has also established partnerships with some of the leading engineering departments worldwide, including at UCLA, UCSB, and UC Davis, through their UC Blockchain Initiative.

MouseBelt is inviting administrators, researchers, policy makers, and enterprise and industry professionals to work collectively to cultivate the next generation of blockchain leaders. Alliance members can provide mentorship through the University Program by advising during office hours, hosting workshops, or providing educational content. Enterprise partners can connect with leading educational institutions to fund research, academic conferences, and accredited blockchain courses addressing various use cases. Developers, platforms, and protocols can help deploy real-world pilots of innovative solutions in collaboration with students, researchers, and MouseBelt’s development shop. Partner organizations will also be eligible to receive training and resources to further their knowledge of blockchain.

This will be the third semester MouseBelt has offered educational content, advising, and funding for student blockchain organizations. With the launch of the Blockchain Education Alliance, MouseBelt hopes to bring more resources to students’ activities.

About MouseBelt

MouseBelt is an ecosystem that promotes blockchain innovation by supporting hands-on development for the projects, individuals, and emerging leaders that are pushing the industry forward. Its three-pronged approach spans all the touch points into the blockchain space: Its accelerator supports early-stage companies with capital and in-kind investments; its blockchain advisory supports developers and projects with open-source tools and a development shop; and its media and university projects encourage newcomers to get involved with blockchain.

About Wanchain

Wanchain is the infrastructure connecting the decentralized financial world. Wanchain’s live cross-blockchain solution is EVM-based, includes optional private transactions, and provides a decentralized, permissionless, and secure approach for interoperability. Wanchain has employees globally with teams in Beijing (China), Austin (USA), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), and Madrid (Spain).

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Oliver Birch

VP - Global Communications & Growth at Wanchain