Wanchain makes LTC smart-chain compatible, adds Litecoin to crosschain blockchain infrastructure

Temujin Louie
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2021

The Wanchain Foundation today announces that Litecoin is now fully integrated into its crosschain infrastructure. Wanchain, the decentralised blockchain interoperability solution that connects the world’s isolated blockchain networks, is the only decentralised finance (DeFI) project that enables truly decentralised crosschain transactions between isolated heterogeneous blockchain networks. Wanchain’s crosschain infrastructure already supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Wanchain, EOSIO, Binance Smart Chain and XRP Ledger. The addition of Litecoin reinforces Wanchain’s position as the world’s most advanced crosschain solution.

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone around the world. Wanchain’s Litecoin integration allows LTC, a top-15 cryptocurrency by market cap, to be traded crosschain and used with EVM-compatible smart contracts. Wanchain also recently added XRP Ledger to its crosschain infrastructure to great acclaim, becoming the premier option for XRP holders wanting to enter the world of DeFi. By enabling siloed blockchains to share value and data, Wanchain’s crosschain solution is the key to the mass adoption of blockchain technology.

Jack Lu, Founder and CEO of Wanchain says:

“Litecoin is one of the world’s most important cryptocurrencies. It is also amongst the largest without smart contract capabilities. Wanchain and several of our enterprise partners are all very pleased at the prospect of what smart contracts and true decentralised crosschain interoperability can bring to Litecoin and the blockchain community at large.”

Li Ni, VP of Business Development and Operations of Wanchain adds:

“Wanchain’s Litecoin integration highlights the industry-leading skill of Wanchain’s development team. Connecting a truly heterogeneous blockchain like Litecoin to EVM-compatible chains like Ethereum, Wanchain and Binance Smart Chain without sacrificing any security or decentralisation is a true feat. Integrations like this one and XRP Ledger reaffirm Wanchain’s mission to connect all the siloed blockchains in the world. Wanchain is one step closer to being the Wide Area Network of the blockchain industry.”

LTC holders who want to take advantage of the world of DeFi can immediately begin earning high yields from a variety of staking and farming applications connected to Wanchain’s crosschain infrastructure. One such application is Wanswap, the innovative crosschain automatic market making decentralised exchange, which has already launched a farming pool for LTC.

Bring your LTC to Wanchain, Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain using Wanchain’s crosschain bridge.

About Wanchain

True DeFi is interoperable — Wanchain, the Wide Area Network chain, is the world’s premier decentralised blockchain interoperability solution. Our mission is to drive blockchain adoption through interoperability by building fully decentralised bridges that connect the world’s many siloed blockchain networks. This crosschain infrastructure empowers developers to build truly decentralised crosschain applications to power the future of DeFi.

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Temujin Louie

CEO @ Wanchain. Blockchain true believer… for better and for worse!